Report Title: Key Elements and Experiences in the Preparation of National Natural Science Foundation Application Letter Speaker: Zhu Yongfa
Haojun Prefecture
Room: 2:00 PM, October 29, 2024
Point: Third Lecture Hall of Jiangsu University Conference Center Office: School of Environmental and Safety Engineering
Speaker's Bio: Zhu Yongfa, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of the Department of Chemistry at Tsinghua University, National Outstanding Youth, Executive Vice Director of the National Center for Electron Spectroscopy. Obtained bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees from Nanjing University, Peking University, and Tsinghua University respectively, and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Ehime University in Japan. Mainly engaged in research on energy photocatalysis, environmental photocatalysis, and photocatalytic health. Undertook basic research projects such as the National 973 Program, 863 Program, National Natural Science Foundation Key Project, National Natural Science Foundation Instrument Special Project, International Key Cooperation Project, and General Project. At the same time, it also undertakes research projects related to adsorption purification materials, photocatalytic materials, and their application in air and water environment purification for enterprises. Received funding from the Outstanding Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, won one second prize of the National Natural Science Award, two first and one second prizes of the Ministry of Education Natural Science Award, and one second and one third prize of the Ministry of Education Science and Technology Progress Award. At NatureEnergy, Published over 560 SCI papers and more than 50 highly cited papers in journals such as NatureCatalysis, Nature Communication (5), Angevandt Chemie International Edition [10], Chem (3), Advanced Materials (10), Environmental Science&Technology (10), etc; The paper has been cited over 52500 times,