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Prof. Simon Pollard DSc FREng was Appointed as the Honorary Professor of Jiangsu University and Gave the Academic Report

Release time:2018-09-11    Author:     Source:     Browsing times:

The appointment ceremony of honorary professor for Simon Pollard, DSc FREng, followed by his academic report, was heldat No. 3 auditorium of Jiangsu University Conference Centre, on the afternoon of 10 September, 2018. Prof. Yuan Shouqi, Chairmangsu University, chairman chairof the Party committee of Jiangsu University; Prof. Wu Xiangyang, Dean of School of the Environment and Safety Engineering; and Prof. Du Daolin, Deputy Dean of School of the Environmental and Safety Engineering attended the ceremony. About 100 representatives of teachers and students from School of the Environmental and Safety Engineering and School of Material Science and Engineering were present at the ceremony and listened to the report. The ceremony was presided over by Prof. Du Daolin.

At first, Chairman Yuan Shouqi expressed the warmest welcome to the visit of Prof. Simon Pollard, from Cranfield University, England, and briefly introduced the recent achievements and development prospect in international collaborative research conducted in Jiangsu University. Then Prof. Simon Pollard expressed his sincere thanks, humorously and vividly described the wonderful impression of Jiangsu University, and believed that the two universities have a wide space for cooperation. After that, Chairman Yuan Shouqi presented the appointment certificate to Prof. Simon Pollard and helped Prof. Pollard to put on the school badge. The teachers and students present gave their enthusiastic applause.

After the ceremony, Prof. Pollard gave the academic report “From risk analysis to risk governance: real world experiences on the road to improved utility resilience”. Prof. Pollard introduced his recent research findings and advanced governance ideas from different aspects: the basics, significance, aims, models, and challenge of risk governance. After the report, Prof. Pollard passionately and carefully answered the questions from the audience, elaborating on economic problems in risk governance, the interdependence relationship between risk governance and risk analysis, the popularization of risk governance culture, etc, which won a long applause from the teachers and students present.

Prof. Simon Pollard, DSc FREng, is a senior member of the Executive and Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Cranfield University, and his research focuses on improved environmental water risk governance.