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Ph. D Supervisors

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Xiaohong Zhou(周晓红)

Release time:2021-07-26    Author:     Source:     Browsing times:

Xiaohong Zhou,Ph.D.,Professor


• E-mail: xhzhou0214@ujs.edu.cn

• Tel: (86) 0511-88790955


     · Ph.D.:College of Geographical Science, Nanjing Normal University, China; 2006.09–2009.06:

     · Master of Engineering: College of Tourism and Environment, Shaanxi Normal University, China

     · Bachelor’ of Science: College of Tourism and Environment, Shaanxi Normal University, China

2Work experience

    · 2019.05–now: Jiangsu University, School of the Environment and Safety Engineering, Professor

    · 2014.07–2015.06: The United States, University of Florida; Visiting scholar

    · 2010.03–2015.01: Jiangsu University, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute; Post-doctoral fellow

   · 2012.08–2019.05: Jiangsu University, School of the Environment and Safety Engineering; Associate professor

    · 2009.06–2012.08: Jiangsu University, School of the Environment and Safety Engineering; Lecturer

3Research Interest

    · Ecological Remediation technology and mechanism of degraded wetland/lake/river ecosystems

    · Dominating aquatic macrophytes for the removal of nutrients from degraded ecosystems;

    · Ecological engineering


     · National Natural Science Foundation of China (31971472): 2020.01-2023.12

    · Open Project of State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment,Harbin Institute of Technology(QA201933):2019.01-2020.12,

    · Jiangsu Province water conservancy science and technology project (2016050):2016.06-2018.06

   · China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (32012T50464): 2012.09-2015.01

   · Jiangsu Province basic research program (Natural Science Foundation funded project (BK2011520): 2012-2014

   · National Natural Science Foundation of China (51109097) 2012.01-2014.12

   · Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Educational Commission (10KJB610001):2011.01–2014.06

  ·    China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (20100481095