任光前,博士,讲师。主要从事全球变化入侵生态学研究,具体涉及全球变暖、大气氮沉降、降雨波动等环境变化背景下外来植物入侵动态、入侵机制及其遗留效应研究。主持/参与多项科研项目;现已在Biological Invasions、Ecological Processes等国际经典期刊上发表SCI学术论文20余篇, 阐明了外来植物在环境变化背景下成功入侵的内-外因机制,并对入侵竞争力与适应性的特征依赖性进行了系统论证与量化。
2020.12-2022.11, 博士后,江苏大学农业工程博士后流动站
2023.01-至今, 讲师, 江苏大学环境与安全工程学院
(1) 江苏省高校自然科学基金,(23KJB180003),2023.7-2025.7,在研,主持
(2) 江苏省博士后基金, (2021K384C),2021.06-2022.11,结题,主持
(1) Miaomiao Cui; Haocheng Yu, Xue Fan, Nawaz, M.; Junjie Lian, Shihong Liu, Zhaoqi Zhu, Haiyan Zhang, Daolin Du, Guangqian Ren*. Nitrogen deposition amplifies the legacy effects of plant invasion. Plants. 2024,13, 72.
(2) Guangqian Ren, Yizhou Du, Bin Yang, Jingjing Wang, Miaomiao Cui, Zhicong Dai, Michael Opoku Adomako, Susan Rutherford*, Daolin Du. Influence of precipitation dynamics on plant invasions: response of alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) and co-occurring native species to varying water availability across plant communities. Biological Invasions. 2023, 25(2): 519-532.
(3) Guangqian Ren, Bin Yang, Miaomiao Cui, Haochen Yu, Xue Fan, Zhicong Dai , Jianfan Sun, Guanlin Li, Haiyan Zhang, Daolin Du*. Additive effects of warming and nitrogen addition on the performance and competitiveness of invasive Solidago canadensis L. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022, 13:1017554.
(4) Guangqian Ren, Bin Yang, Miaomiao Cui, Zhicong Dai, Yan Xiang, Haiyan Zhang, Guanlin Li, Jian Li, Qaiser Javed, Daolin Du*. Warming and elevated nitrogen deposition accelerate the invasion process of Solidago canadensis L.. Ecological Processes, 2022, 11: 62.
(5) Guangqian Ren, Wenjie Hu, Jianfan Sun, Ahmad Azeem, Furong He, Shanshan Qi, Bin Yang, Miaomiao Cui, Kun Jiang, Daolin Du*. Resource conservation strategy helps explain patterns of biological invasion in a low-N environment. Biochemical systematics and ecology. 2021, 94: 104205.
(6) Guangqian Ren, Chris B Zou, Lingyun Wan, Jacob H Johnson, Jian Li, Lan Zhu, Shanshan Qi, Zhicong Dai, Haiyan Zhang, Daolin Du*. Interactive effect of climate warming and atmospheric chemistry may shift the native and invasive dynamics. Journal of plant ecology. Journal of plant ecology. 2021, 14(1): 84-95. (Cover paper)
(7) Guangqian Ren, Hongyu Yang, Jian Li, K. Prabakaran, Zhicong Dai, Xiupu Wang, Kun Jiang, Chris B Zou, Daolin Du*. The effect of nitrogen and temperature changes on Solidago canadensis phenotypic plasticity and fitness. Plant Species Biology. 2020.35(4): 283-299. (Top cited in wiley)
(8) Guangqian Ren, Min He, Guanlin Li, A. Anandkumar, Zhicong Dai, Chris B Zou, Zhiyuan Hu, Qiong Ran, Daolin Du*. Effects of Solidago canadensis invasion and climate warming on soil net n mineralization. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2020.29(5): 3285-3294.
(9) Guangqian Ren, Qin Li, Yan Li, Jian Li, Michael Opoku Adomakoa, Zhicong Dai, Guanlin Li, Lingyun Wan, Bin Zhang, Chris B. Zou, Qiong Ran, Daolin Du*. The enhancement of root biomass increases the competitiveness of an invasive plant against a co-occurring native plant under elevated nitrogen deposition. Flora. 2019. 261(2019): 151486.
(10) 任光前,杨彬,戴志聪,张海燕,崔苗苗,杜道林. 一种利用中华剑角蝗防治入侵杂草加拿大一枝黄花的方法. ZL202210085497.6.
(1) 第二届中国研究生“双碳”创新与创意大赛 校内选拔赛一等奖, 指导老师, 2023
(2) Wiley出版社2020-2021年度论文 最高引用(率)奖(Top Cited Article 2020-2021), 2021
(3) 江苏大学首届博士后创新学术论坛 优秀论文三等奖, 2021.
(4) 入选 江苏省资助招收博士后研究人员, 江苏省人社厅. 2021
(5)第七届种群生态学前沿论坛 青年报告三等奖, 2020.
(6)第四届全球环境变化与生物入侵国际学术研讨会 贡献奖, 2020.
联系方式 : rgq@ujs.edu.cn