地址:江苏大学 环境与安全工程学院 环境健康与生态安全研究院
成亮,博士,江苏特聘教授,六大人才高峰,江苏省双创团队核心成员,江苏大学研究员、博导,澳大利亚Curtin大学兼职研究员。2012年取得环境工程博士学位(澳大利亚Murdoch大学),先后在Murdoch大学、Curtin大学、南洋理工大学从事博士后研究。从事微生物矿化土壤固结、重金属土壤修复研究近10年。目前科研方向主要集中在微生物岩土工程、环境岩土工程、微生物环境工程、微生物材料等方面。迄今在Chemical Engineering Journal, Science of the Total Environment, Water Research, Bioresource Technology, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 等杂志共发表SCI论文60余篇,授权专利10余项,其中新加坡、澳大利亚PCT专利各1项,美国专利1项。目前主持参与在研国家省部级项目6项。2018年获得Canadian Science Publishing 颁发的首届Fredlund Award。2014获得加拿大岩土工程协会颁发R M Quigley Awards并授予2013年加拿大岩土杂志最佳论文(honorable mention)。
[1]. 江苏省重点研发(社会发展)面上项目:(BE2020676),重金属污染土壤微生物矿化原位修复关键技术与污染场地处理应用示范,50万,负责人,2020.12-2023.6
[2]. 国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作项目研究(51920105013):复杂动力环境下海上风机大直径单桩基础微生物加固的防护机理研究,245万,子课题负责人(2/10)59万,2020-2024
[3]. 河海大学海岸灾害及防护教育部重点实验室开放基金(202001),主持,5万
[4]. 江苏省双创团队:土壤重金属的快速、现场检测与微生物修复,300万,核心成员(2/4),2019-2021
[5]. 六大人才高峰,生态友好型海洋微生物诱导胶凝材料的制备、表征与海洋工程应用,2019-2022,4万
[6]. 江苏特聘教授:100万,2018-2021
[7]. 重庆大学山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室开放课题:基于微生物反硝化反应的微生物矿化砂土固化,5万,2017-2019
[8]. 江苏大学高级人才启动资金:新型低能耗自主呼吸式微生物膜污水处理工艺,100万
[9]. 新型高效污水生化处理工艺技术研发(实验室阶段),中国煤矿机械装备有限责任公司“双创”项目计划,55万,2020-2021.
学术论文 (selected)
[1]. Md Iqbal Hossain, Liang Cheng*, Ralf Cord-Ruwisch*, 2022, Sustained and enhanced anaerobic removal of COD and nitrogen in a zeolite amended glycogen accumulating organism dominated biofilm process, Science of The Total Environment, 807 (1), 150602.
[2]. Punniyakotti Elumalai, Punniyakotti Parthipan, Mingzhi Huang, Balakrishnan Muthukumar, Liang Cheng, Muthusamy Govarthanan, Aruliah Rajasekar, 2021, Enhanced biodegradation of hydrophobic organic pollutants by the bacterial consortium: Impact of enzymes and biosurfactants, Environmental Pollution, 289, 117956.
[3]. Cheng, L.; Afur, N.; Shahin, M.A. 2021, Bio-Cementation for Improving Soil Thermal Conductivity. Sustainability, 13, 10238.
[4]. Donovan Mujah; Mohamed A. Shahin, Liang Cheng, and Ali Karrech, 2021, Experimental and Analytical Study on Geomechanical Behavior of Biocemented Sand. International Journal of Geomechanics, 21(8).
[5]. Longyang Fang, Qijian Niu, Liang Cheng*, Jianxiong Jiang, Yang-Yang Yu, Jian Chu, Varenyam Achal, Tianyan You, 2021. Ca-mediated alleviation of Cd2+ induced toxicity and improved Cd2+ biomineralization by Sporosarcina pasteurii, Science of The Total Environment, 147627.
[6]. Parthipan, P., Cheng, L*., Rajasekar, A. 2021. Glycyrrhiza glabra extract as an eco-friendly inhibitor for microbiologically influenced corrosion of API 5LX carbon steel in oil well produced water environments. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 333, art. no. 115952.
[7]. Punniyakotti Parthipan, Liang Cheng, Aruliah Rajasekar, Muthusamy Govarthanan, Angaiah Subramania, 2021. Biologically reduced graphene oxide as a green and easily available photocatalyst for degradation of organic dyes, Environmental Research, Volume 196, 110983,
[8]. Meenatchi, V., Siva, S., Cheng, L*. 2021. Synthesis, crystal growth, spectroscopic characterization, Hirshfeld surface analysis and DFT investigations of novel nonlinear optically active 4-benzoylpyridine-derived hydrazone, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1243.
[9]. Meenatchi, V., Siva, S., Meenakshisundaram, S.P., Cheng, L*. 2021 Synthesis, crystal growth, characterization and DFT investigation of a nonlinear optically active cuminaldehyde derivative hydrazone. Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 77, pp. 249-259.
[10]. Malcom Frimpong Dapaah, Baojian Liu, Liang Cheng, 2021. Adsorption of organic compounds from aqueous solution by pyridine-2-carboxaldehyde grafted MIL-101(Cr)-NH2 metal-organic frameworks, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 4, 105275.
[11]. Yang, Y., Ruan, S., Wu, S., Chu, J., Unluer, C., Liu, H., Cheng, L. 2021 Biocarbonation of reactive magnesia for soil improvement. Acta Geotechnica, 16 (4), pp. 1113-1125.
[12]. Libo, L., Zhang, J., Zhao, W., Liu, X., Luo, L., Bi, X., Cheng, L.*, You, T*. 2021. DNA-Modified Electrochemi luminescent Tris (4,4'-Dicarboxylicacid-2,2'-Bipyridyl) Ruthenium (II) Dichloride and Assistant DNA-Modified Carbon Nitride Quantum Dots for Hg2+ Detection.ACS Applied Nano Materials, 4 (2), pp. 1009-1018.
[13]. Yu, Y.-Y., Ding, X.-L., Quan, W.-Z., Niu, Q., Fang, Z., Dapaah, M.F., You, T., Xiao, X.*, Cheng, L*. 2021. Dynamically controlling the electrode potential of a microbial fuel cell-powered biocathode for sensitive quantification of nitrate.Electrochimica Acta, 369, art. no. 137661
[1]. CHENG Liang, YANG Yang, CHU Jian. Bioslurry-Induced Water Barrier and Process of Forming thereof. US patent, 111309712021
[2]. Ralf Cord-Ruwisch, Liang Cheng, Wipa Charles, etc. water treatment method, Australia,(WO 2018/201194 A1)
[3]. R Cord-Ruwisch, L Cheng, RMG Flavigny, MI Hossain,Water treatment method.US Patent App. 16/610,827
[4]. 成亮, 一种污水处理系统。 专利号:ZL 201620213670.6
[5]. 成亮,一种饮用水制备装置,专利号: ZL201620592253.7
[6]. 成亮等,一种微孔无机滤膜的制备工艺和制备方法,专利号:CN 110860216B
[7]. 成亮,利用微生物电化学处理污水的装置,专利号:ZL201620581321.X
[8]. 成亮,张鹏,一种基于微生物注浆技术的抗浮锚杆超前加固钻孔护壁方法,申请号 201810264100.3.
[1]. 2018: Fredlund Award (Canadian Journal Publishing 颁发)
[2]. 2014: R M Quigley Awards (获得加拿大岩土工程协会颁发)
[3]. “Urease active bio-slurry: a novel soil improvement approach based on microbially induced carbonate precipitation” 被选为Canadian Geotechnical Journal 2016年10月“编辑推荐”。