李冠霖 副教授、硕士生导师
地址:江苏大学 环境与安全工程学院
2013.09~2017.08 韩国高丽大学(Korea University,2021QS世界大学排名69位),生命科学院,生物资源与生态学专业,博士,导师:Son Yowhan(韩国科学技术翰林院 院士)
2011.08~2013.08 韩国国立江原大学(Kangwon National University),山林与环境科学学院,风景园林专业,硕士,导师:Park Bongwoo
2006.09~2010.07 中央民族大学,生命与环境科学学院,生态学专业,学士,导师:王英
2018.01~至今 江苏大学 环境与安全工程学院,副教授
1. 荣誉
2. 个人获奖
3. 指导学生获奖
(1) 第二届中国研究生“双碳”创新与创意大赛,国赛三等奖,第一指导教师(2023)
(2) 第八届全国大学生生命科学竞赛(科学探究类),国赛二等奖,唯一指导教师(2023)
(3) 第一届中国研究生“双碳”创新与创意大赛,国赛三等奖,第二指导教师(2023)
(4) 全国大学生生命科学竞赛(2023,科学探究类)江苏赛区,省赛一等奖,唯一指导教师(2023)
(5) 全国大学生生命科学竞赛(2023,科学探究类)江苏赛区,省赛三等奖,第二指导教师(2023)
(6) 第十届ncda全国高校数字艺术设计大赛,省赛三等奖,第一指导教师(2022)
(7) 中国好创意暨全国数字艺术设计大赛,省赛三等奖,第一指导教师 (2022)
1. 主持项目
(1) 科技部国际合作司2022年度中韩青年科学家交流计划项目,2023/01-2023/07,结题,主持
(2) 农膜应用区域土壤中微塑料环境行为调查及其污染防治技术体系研究,2022年度镇江市重点研发计划(社会发展),2022/11-2024/10,在研,主持
(3) 农业有机废弃物高效降解功能微生物群落构建与菌剂的开发,江苏省科技厅产学研合作项目,2022/06-2023/09,在研,主持
(4) 农膜应用区域土壤微塑料监测质控技术及其环境行为研究,2021年度“金山英才”高层次领军人才培养计划科研项目,2022/01-2023/12,在研,主持
(5) 全球变暖下土壤微塑料污染与外来植物入侵协同对土壤温室气体排放通量的影响及其机制研究(2021a02),环境污染过程与基准教育部重点实验室2021年度开放基金,2022/01-2023/12,在研,主持
(6) 农业生物质废弃物微生物高效降解与资源化再生利用关键技术研发及应用,2021年度镇江市丹徒区重点研发计划(社会发展)项目,2021/11-2023/10,在研,主持
(7) 全球气候变化背景下外来入侵植物对土壤温室气体(CO2、N2O)排放通量的影响及其土壤微生物生态学机制(kf2020006),中国科学院环境生物技术重点实验室开放课题,2020/09-2022/08,结题,主持
(8) 气候变化增强入侵植物对土壤温室气体影响的微生物机制,中国博士后基金面上项目(2019M651720),2019/09-2020/09,结题,主持
(9) 全球变暖增强土壤线虫群落促进外来植物成功入侵的作用及机制,国家自然科学基金青年基金(31800342),2019/01-2021/12,结题,主持
2. 参与项目
(1) 农田退化土壤诊断与多源固碳培肥协同技术的联合研发,2023年度镇江市政策引导计划(国际科技合作项目),2023/07-2026/06,在研,项目骨干
(2) 植物入侵损害的江苏滨海湿地生态系统修复与固碳增汇协同技术基础研究(SBK2022060051),江苏省重点研发计划项目“碳达峰碳中和科技创新专项”,2022/07-2025/06,在研,项目骨干
(3) 镇江市草莓种植区土壤-地下水中微塑料环境行为调查及评价,江苏省环境监测科研基金项目,2021/07-2022/12,结题,项目骨干
(4) 上合组织成员国城市大气环境管理研究,生态环境部,2019/04-2019/12,结题,项目骨干
(5) 东北亚国家落实可持续发展目标的举措与合作潜力,生态环境部,2018/05-2018/12,结题,项目骨干
(6) 入侵植物与脆弱生态系统相互作用的机制、后果及调控,十三五国家重点研发计划子课题,2017/07-2020/06,结题,参与
(7) Belowground carbon storage in oak forests following thinning treatment,韩国山林科学院,2016/02-2016/11,结题,项目骨干
(8) Improvement of forest carbon accounting system for Post-2020 climate regime,韩国山林部,2015/06-2016/06,结题,项目骨干
(9) Risk assessment, prediction, and monitoring of soil and ecosystem functions in CO2 storage sites - K-COSEM research program,韩国环境部,2014/04-2018/03,结题,项目骨干
(10) Effects of open-field experimental warming and precipitation manipulation on response of seedling growth and soil characteristics of Pinus densiflora to climate change,韩国国家自然科学基金委会,2014/06-2016/05,结题,项目骨干
(11) Research on soil properties, soil amendments and irrigation system for combating desertification in arid and semi-arid regions,韩国山林部,2014/04-2018/04,结题, 项目骨干
(12) Research on the effects of artificial warming on forest and development of climate change adaptation strategies,韩国山林部,2014/03-2016/03,结题, 项目骨干
目前已在Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Science of Total Environment、Annals of Forest Science、Forests、Pedosphere等国际期刊发表SCI论文47篇。主要学术论文如下:
Yi Tang, Guanlin Li, Babar Iqbal, Muhammad Tariq, Abdul Rehman, Ismail Khan, Daolin Du. Soil nutrient levels regulate the effect of soil microplastics contamination on microbial element metabolism and carbon use efficiency. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2024 (Accepted) (Corresponding author)
Babar Iqbal, Xiaoxun Zhao, Kiran Yasmin Khan, Qaiser Javed, Mudasir Nazar, Ismail Khan, Xin Zhao, Guanlin Li, Daolin Du. Microplastics meet invasive plants: Unraveling the ecological hazards to agroecosystems. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 167756. (Corresponding author)
Kiran Yasmin Khan, Barkat Ali, Yunliang Song, Babar Iqbal, Xiaoqiang Cui, Waqar Ahmed, Guanlin Li, Ya Guo. Assessment of Biochar Produced from Aquatic Plants for Environmental and Agricultural Applications by Multi-Analytical Characterizations. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2023, 32(5). (Corresponding author)
Babar Iqbal, Qaiser Javed, Ismail Khan, Muhammad Tariq, Naveed Ahmad, Hosam O Elansary, Arshad Jalal, Guanlin Li, Daolin Du. Influence of soil microplastic contamination and cadmium toxicity on the growth, physiology, and root growth traits of Triticum aestivum L. South African Journal of Botany, 2023, 160, 369-375. (Corresponding author)
Guanlin Li, Xiaoxun Zhao, Babar Iqbal, Xin Zhao, Jingjing Liu, Qaiser Javed, Daolin Du. The effect of soil microplastics on Oryza sativa L. root growth traits under alien plant invasion. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2023, 11, 1172093.
Farrukh Gul, Irfan Ullah Khan, Susan Rutherford, Zhi-Cong Dai, Guanlin Li, Dao-Lin Du Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and biochar production from Parthenium hysterophorus enhance seed germination and productivity in barley under drought stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14, 1175097. (Corresponding author)
Rashida Hameed, Guanlin Li, Yowhan Son, Huajun Fang, Taewan Kim, Chaodong Zhu, Yanfang Feng, Lihua Zhang, Adeel Abbas, Xin Zhao, Jiaqian Wang, Jian Li, Zhicong Dai, Daolin Du. Structural characteristics of dissolved black carbon and its interactions with organic and inorganic contaminants: A critical review. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 872, 162210. (Corresponding author)
Babar Iqbal, Tingting Zhao, Weiqing Yin, Xin Zhao, Qingjie Xie, Kiran Yasmin Khan, Xiaoxun Zhao, Mudasir Nazar, Guanlin Li, Daolin Du. Impacts of soil microplastics on crops: A review. Applied Soil Ecology, 2023, 181, 104680. (Corresponding author)
Kiran Yasmin Khan, Guanlin Li, Daolin Du, Barkat Ali, Shuang Zhang, Meiying Zhong, Peter Joseph Stoffella, Babar Iqbal, Xiaoqiang Cui, Lijiang Fu, Ya Guo. Impact of polystyrene microplastics with combined contamination of norfloxacin and sulfadiazine on Chrysanthemum coronarium L. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 316, 120522. (Co-first author)
Sixuan Xu, Kexin Li, Guanlin Li, Zhiyuan Hu, Jiaqi Zhang, Babar Iqbal, Daolin Du. Canada Goldenrod Invasion Regulates the Effects of Soil Moisture on Soil Respiration. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(23), 15446. (Corresponding author)
Zhiyuan Hu, Jiaqi Zhang, Yizhou Du, Kangwei Shi, Guangqian Ren, Babar Iqbal, Zhicong Dai, Jian Li, Guanlin Li, Daolin Du. Substrate availability regulates the suppressive effects of Canada goldenrod invasion on soil respiration. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2022, 15(3), 509-523. (Corresponding author)
Guanlin Li, JingquanWang, Jiaqi Zhang, Yingnan Li, Enxi Liu, Yuechen Yu, Babar Iqbal, Zhicong Dai, Hui Jia, Jian Li, Daolin Du. Effects of ExperimentalWarming and Canada Goldenrod Invasion on the Diversity and Function of the Soil Nematode Community. Sustainability, 2021, 13, 13145
Zhiyuan Hu, Jiangting Li, Kangwei Shi, Guangqian Ren, Zhicong Dai, Jianfan Sun, Xiaojun Zheng, Yiwen Zhou, Jiaqi Zhang, Guanlin Li, Daolin Du. Effects of Canada goldenrod invasion on soil extracellular enzyme activities and ecoenzymatic stoichiometry. Sustainability, 2021, 13. (Corresponding author)
Guanlin Li, Seongjun Kim, Seung Hyun Han, Hanna Chang, Daolin Du, Yowhan Son. Precipitation affects soil microbial and extracellular enzymatic responses to warming. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018, 120, 212-221.
Guanlin Li, Seongjun Kim, Seung Hyun Han, Hanna Chang, Yowhan Son. Effect of soil moisture on the response of soil respiration of Pinus densiflora seedlings to open-field experimental warming and precipitation manipulation. Forests, 2017, 8, 56.
Guanlin Li, Seongjun Kim, Minji Park, Yowhan Son. Short-term effects of experimental warming and precipitation manipulation on soil microbial biomass, substrate utilization patterns, and community composition. Pedosphere, 2017, 27(4), 714-724.
Yuanyuan Feng, Ning Wang, Huifang Xie, Jing Li, Guanlin Li, Lihong Xue, Haibin Fu, Yanfang Feng, Gerrard Eddy Jai Poinern, Deli Chen. Livestock manure‑derived hydrochar is more inclined to mitigate soil Global Warming Potential than raw materials based on soil stoichiometry analysis. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2023, 5.
Miaomiao Cui, Jingjing Wang, Xuefeng Zhang, Congyan Wang, Guanlin Li, Justin S. H. Wan, Daolin Du. Warming significantly inhibited the competitive advantage of native plants in interspecific competition under phosphorus deposition. Plant and Soil, 2023, 1-16.
Bin Yang, MiaoMiao Cui, YiZhou Du, GuangQian Ren, Jian Li, CongYan Wang, GuanLin Li, ZhiCong Dai, Susan Rutherford, Justin SH Wan, DaoLin D. Influence of multiple global change drivers on plant invasion: Additive effects are uncommon. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13.
Xiaoxun Zhao, Hongliang Xie, Xin Zhao, Jiaqi Zhang, Zhiliang Li, Weiqing Yin, Aiguo Yuan, Huan Zhou, Sehrish Manan, Mudasir Nazar, Babar Iqbal, Guanlin Li, Daolin Du. Combined Inhibitory Effect of Canada Goldenrod Invasion and Soil Microplastics on Rice Growth. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(19), 11947.
Zeeshan Javed, Muhammad Bilal, Zhongfeng Qiu, Guanlin Li, Osama Sandhu, Khalid Mehmood, Yu Wang, Md Ali, Cheng Liu, Yuhang Wang, Ruibin Xue, Daolin Du, Xiaojun Zheng. Spatiotemporal characterization of aerosols and trace gases over the Yangtze River Delta region, China: impact of trans-boundary pollution and meteorology. Environmental Sciences Europe, 2022, 34(1), 1-22.
Jian Li, Zhanrui Leng, Yueming Wu, Yizhou Du, Zhicong Dai, Asim Biswas, Xiaojun Zheng, Guanlin Li, Esawy Kasem Mahmoud, Hui Jia, Daolin Du. Interactions between invasive plants and heavy metal stresses: a review. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2022, 15(3), 429-436.
Taitiya Kenneth Yuguda, Yueming Wu, Zhanrui Leng, Guifeng Gao, Guanlin Li, Zhicong Dai, Jian Li, Daolin Du. Impact of Spartina alterniflora invasion on evapotranspiration water loss in Phragmites australis dominated coastal wetlands of east China. Ecological Engineering, 2022, 179, 106605.
Guangqian Ren, Bin Yang, Miaomiao Cui, Haochen Yu, Xue Fan, Zhicong Dai, Jianfan Sun, Guanlin Li, Haiyan Zhang, Daolin Du. Additive effects of warming and nitrogen addition on the performance and competitiveness of invasive Solidago canadensis L. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13, 1017554-1017554.
Guangqian Ren, Bin Yang, Miaomiao Cui, Zhicong Dai, Yan Xiang, Haiyan Zhang, Guanlin Li, Jian Li, Qaiser Javed, Daolin Du. Warming and elevated nitrogen deposition accelerate the invasion process of Solidago canadensis L. Ecological Processes, 2022, 11(1), 1-12.
Jian Li, Zhanrui Leng, Yueming Wu, Guanlin Li, Guangqian Ren, Guirong Wu, Yongcan Jiang, Taitiya Kenneth Yuguda, and Daolin Du. The impact of sea embankment reclamation on greenhouse gas ghg fluxes and stocks in invasive spartina alterniflora and native phragmites australis wetland marshes of east china. Sustainability, 2021, 13, 12740.
Xiaojun Zheng, Yosihiro Natuhara, Jian Li, Guanlin Li, Yizhou Du, Hui Jia, Zhicong Dai, Daolin Du, Shan Zhong, Dan Qin. Effects of multiple stressors on amphibian oviposition: landscape and local determinants in central japan. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 128(6846), 107824.
Seongjun Kim, Seung Hyun Han, Guanlin Li, Yujin Roh, Hyun-Jun Kim, Yowhan Son. The initial effects of microclimate and invertebrate exclusion on multi-site variation in the mass loss of temperate pine and oak deadwoods. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11(1), 1-11.
Seongjun Kim, Guanlin Li, Jiae An,Choonsig Kim,Sang-Tae Lee,Seung Hyun Han,Yowhan Son. Post-thinning Responses of Microbial Substrate Utilization in Temperate Japanese Larch Forests. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 2020, 40(4), 332-345.
Haiyan Zhang, Priscila Goncalves, Elizabeth Copeland, Shanshan Qi, Zhicong Dai, Guanlin Li, Congyan Wang, Daolin Du, Torsten Thomas. Invasion by the weed Conyza canadensis alters soil nutrient supply and shifts microbiota structure. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2020, 143:107739.
Guangqian Ren, Min He, Guanlin Li, A. Anandkumar, Zhicong Dai, Chris B Zou, Zhiyuan Hu, Qiong Ran, Daolin Du. Effects of Solidago Canadensis invasion and climate warming on soil net N mineralization. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2020.29(5): 3285-3294.
Guangqian Ren, Qin Li, Yan Li, Jian Li, Michael Opoku Adomako, Zhicong Dai, Guanlin Li, Lingyun Wan, Bin Zhang, Chris B. Zou, Qiong Ran, Daolin Du. The enhancement of root biomass increases the competitiveness of an invasive plant against a co-occurring native plant under elevated nitrogen deposition. Flora, 2019, 261, 151486.
Seung Hyun Han, Seongjun Kim, Hanna Chang, Guanlin Li, Yowhan Son. Increased soil temperature stimulates changes in carbon, nitrogen, and mass loss of Pinus koraiensis fine roots under experimental warming and drought. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 2019, 43, 80-87.
Seongjun Kim, Guanlin Li, Seung Hyun Han, Choonsig Kim, Sang-Tae Lee, Yowhan Son. Microbial biomass and enzymatic responses to temperate oak and larch forest thinning: Influential factors for the site-specific changes. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 651, 2068-2079.
Seongjun Kim, Guanlin Li, Seung Hyun Han, Choonsig Kim, Sang-Tae Lee, Yowhan Son. Thinning affects microbial biomass without changing enzyme activity in the soil of Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. forests after seven years. Annals of Forest Science, 2018, doi.org/10.1007/s13595-018-0690-1.
Roh Y, Lee S, Guanlin Li, Kim S, Lee J, Han SH, Chang H, Salim KA, Son Y. 2018. Changes in the contribution of termites mass loss of dead wood among three tree species during 23 months in a lowland rainforest. Sociobiology, 2018, 65:59-66
Yun Liu, Chen Shao, Linqi Zhu, Sihong Jiang, Guanlin Li, Wei Zhang, Yajing Lin, Ying Ni, Hui Cao, Shihe Shao. High expression of ABL2 suppresses apoptosis in gastric cancer. Digestive diseases and sciences, 2018, 63(9), 2294-2300.
Seongjun Kim, Guanlin Li, Yowhan Son. The Contribution of traditional ecological knowledge and practices to forest management: the case of Northeast Asia. Forests, 2017, 8, 496.
Seung Hyun Han, Seongjun Kim, Guanlin Li, Hanna Chang, Soon Jin Yun, Jiae An, Yowhan Son. Effects of warming and precipitation manipulation on fine root dynamics of Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. seedlings. Forests, 2017, 9(1), 14.
Seongjun Kim, Guanlin Li, Seung Hyun Han, Hanna Chang, Yowhan Son. Differential effects of coarse woody debris on microbial and soil properties in Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. forests. Forests, 2017, 8, 292.
Fuhao Qiao, Jian Fang, Jinfeng Xu, Wenqiu Zhao, Ying Ni, Bufugdi Andreas Akuo, Wei Zhang, Yun Liu, Fangfang Ding, Guanlin Li, Baoguo Liu, Hua Wang, Shihe Shao. The role of adrenomedullin in the pathogenesis of gastric cancer. Oncotarget, 2017, 8(51), 88464.
Soon Jin Yun, Saerom Han, Seung Hyun Han, Seongjun Kim, Guanlin Li, Minji Park, Yowhan Son. Short-term effects of warming treatment and precipitation manipulation on the ecophysiological responses of Pinus densiflora seedlings. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 2016, 40, 5621-630.
Seongjun Kim, Seung Hyun Han, Guanlin Li, Tae Kyung Yoon, Sang-Tae Lee, Choonsig Kim, Yowhan Son. Effects of thinning intensity on nutrient concentration and enzyme activity in Larix kaempferi forest soils. Journal of Ecology and Environment, 2016, 40, 2.
(1) 一种沉积物厌氧孵化器,发明专利,授权(ZL201811407439.0)
(2) 一种沉积物厌氧孵化的组合装置,发明专利,授权(ZL2018114074386)
(3) 一种细菌厌氧和微需氧培养罐,实用新型,授权(ZL202020302964.2)
(4) 一种水体好氧微生物便携式培养罐,实用新型,授权(ZL202023021822.8)
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(9) 一种重金属污染治理用土壤修复剂及其制备方法,发明专利,受理(202209230151842.0)
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(1) 21世纪智慧韩国计划(Brain Korea 21)环境科学与工程研究教育团生态领导者教育专家委员会(Eco-Leader Education Committee)委员
(2) 江苏省微生物学会青年委员
(3) 《Journal of Plant Ecology》、《土壤通报》、《当代化工研究》编委
(4) 《Frontiers in Plant Science》、《International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health》、《Sustainability》客座编辑