李丽霞,女,博士/硕导,民盟盟员,安全工程系,副教授。2021.9-2022.9 于加拿大阿尔伯塔大学化工与材料工程学院交流访问一年。研究方向:功能材料的合成及在安全、环境方面的应用;工业安全技术与管理。近年来,主持完成国家自然科学基金(51508233)课题1项,江苏省博士后基金(1402072B)1项,江苏大学高级人才资助项目(13JDG110)1项;参加完成国家自然科学基金面上项目(81070861)1项,中国科学技术大学开放实验室课题(HZ2010-KF03)1项。
Li, L.X.; Guo, Q.K.; Zeng, H.B.;
et.al. Surface modified silver/magnetite nanocomposite activating hydrogen peroxide for efficient degradation of chlorophenols, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 617: 246-256.
Li, L.X.; Wang, R.W.; Xing, X.D.;
et.al. Preparation of porous semi-IPN temperature-sensitive hydrogel-supported nZVI and its application in the reduction of nitrophenol, JES, 2019, 93-102.
Li, L.X.; Zhang, S.S.; Lu, B.;
et.al. Nitrobenzene reduction using nanoscale zero-valent iron supported by polystyrene microspheres with different surface functional groups, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(8):7916-7923.
Li, L.X.; Lu, B; Zhang, Y.;
et.al. Multi-sensitive copolymer hydrogels of N-isopropylacrylamide with several polymerizable azobenzene-containing monomers; Journal of Polymer Research, 2015, 22(9): 176-188.
Li, L.X.;Li, L.; Qu,
et.al. The preparation of sulfonated PS microspheres supported nZVFe/Ag bimetals and its using in the catalytic reduction of 3-CP; ICSDWE2019; 59-72.