1、 高附加值化学品药品的绿色生物制造;
2、 微生物基因组导向的菌群构建与生物质的资源化利用;
3、 高效且热稳定纤维素酶及半纤维素酶的挖掘与机制研究。
1. Nana Li, Alei Geng *, Zhuowei Tu, Yanan Fan, Rongrong Xie, Xia Li * and Jianzhong Sun. Isolation of Lactococcus sp. X1 from termite gut, and its application in lactic acid production. Fermentation. 9:85.
2. Alei Geng, Meng Jin, Nana Li, Zhuowei Tu, Daochen Zhu, Rongrong Xie, Qianqian Wang, Jianzhong Sun. (2022) Arabinan hydrolysis by GH43 enzymes of Hungateiclostridium clariflavum and the potential synergistic mechanisms. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 106:7793–7803.
3. Alei Geng, Meng Jin, Nana Li, Daochen Zhu, Rongrong Xie, Qianqian Wang, Huaxing Lin, Jianzhong Sun. (2021) New insights into the co-occurrences of glycoside hydrolase genes among prokaryotic genomes through network analysis. Microoganisms. 9(2):427.
4. Alei Geng, Jian Wu, Rongrong Xie, Hongcheng Wang, Yanfang Wu, Xia Li, Fuxiang Chang, Jianzhong Sun. (2019) Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 103(9):3783-93.
5. Alei Geng(#), Yanbing Cheng(#), Yongli Wang, Daochen Zhu, Yilin Le, Jian Wu, Rongrong Xie, Joshua S. Yuan, Jianzhong Sun. (2018) Transcriptome analysis of the digestive system of a wood-feeding termite (Coptotermes formosanus) revealed a unique mechanism for effective biomass degradation. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 11: 24.
6. Alei Geng, Hongcheng Wang, Jian Wu, Rongrong Xie, Jianzhong Sun. (2017) Characterization of a β-xylosidase from Clostridium clariflavum and its application in xylan hydrolysis. BioResources. 12(4):9253-9262.
7. Alei Geng, Jian Wu, Rongrong Xie, Xia Li, Fuxiang Chang and Jianzhong Sun. (2016) Characterization of a laccase from a wood-feeding termite, Coptotermes formosanus. Insect Science. DOI 10.1111/1744-7917.12415.
8. Alei Geng, Jian Wu, Rongrong Xie, Xia Li, Fuxiang Chang, Jianzhong Sun. (2015) Construction of a Bacterial Cellulase Cocktail for Saccharification of Regenerated Cellulose and Pretreated Corn Stover. BioResources. 10(4):7681-7692.
9. Haifang Qiu(#), Alei Geng(#), Daochen Zhu, Yilin Le, Jian Wu, Nienwen Chow, J H David Wu, Jianzhong Sun.(2015) Purification and characterization of a hemocyanin (Hemo1) with potential lignin-modification activities from the wood-feeding termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 175(2): 687-697.
10. Xing Yan(#), Alei Geng(#), Jun Zhang, Yongjun Wei, Lei Zhang, Changli Qian, Qianfu Wang, Shengyue Wang, Zhihua Zhou. (2013) Discovery of (hemi-) cellulase genes in a metagenomic library from a biogas digester using 454 pyrosequencing. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 97(18): 8173-8182.
11. Alei Geng(#), Gen Zou(#), Xing Yan(#), Qianfu Wang, Jun Zhang, Zhihua Zhou. (2012) Expression and characterization of a novel metagenome-derived cellulase Exo2b and its application to improve cellulase activity in Trichoderma reesei. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 96(4): 951-962.
12. Alei Geng, Yanling He, Changli Qian, Xing Yan, Zhihua Zhou. (2010) Effect of key factors on hydrogen production from cellulose in a co-culture of Clostridium thermocellum and C. thermopalmarium. Bioresource Technology. 101(11): 4029-4033.
耿阿蕾,孙建中,吴建,谢蓉蓉,王洪成. 一种热稳定型阿拉伯呋喃糖苷酶及其应用. 授权号:201811311227.2
周志华,耿阿蕾,王钱福,严兴,程林. 一种新的葡聚糖酶,其编码基因及应用
发明专利. 授权号:ZL 201010107952.5
耿阿蕾;李娜娜;孙建中;谢蓉蓉;涂茁炜. 一种高产L-乳酸新菌及其应用. 实审中. 申请号:202210585002.6
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