2021.03~今 副教授、系主任(环境工程本科专业负责人)、副所长
2020.07~2021.02 副教授、系副主任、副所长
2013.01~2016. 08助教/讲师
1. 环境生态科学与工程
2. 环境健康与生态安全
3. 生态保护与生态修复
4. 生物多样性保育
(1)外来植物入侵的外在驱动机制(微生物的作用):开拓并推动了入侵植物根部微生物精细化研究,结合组培无菌技术,首次建立了可重复再现的“微生物-入侵植物”无菌苗研究体系,并系统阐明了土壤正反馈的植物入侵微生物学驱动机制,相关研究工作发表在Soil Biology and Biochemistry (2020)国际土壤生态学顶级期刊、TOP期刊Frontiers in Plant Science (2016, 2022) 及Plants(2022, 2023c)、Journal of Applied Microbiology (2021)、Journal of Plant Ecology(2022a)、生物多样性(2017)、植物生态学报(2020)、微生物学通报(2020)等。
(2)外来植物入侵的内在驱动机制(内源激素的作用与分子机制):开拓并推动了从内源激素探索外来植物入侵的内在驱动力机制相关研究,并首次证明了入侵克隆植物的快速扩张内源激素调控机制,相关工作作为封面亮点文章发表在国际化学生态学会的官方期刊Journal of Chemical Ecology (2016) 及Journal of Plant Ecology(2022b)、Oikos (2021)、International Journal of Molecular Sciences(2019)、Life(2022)、Genetica(2022)等。
(3)外来入侵植物及其与环境科学交叉领域(污染物的环境/生态行为):结合典型的环境问题(如重金属污染、二氧化碳排放、富营养等)与植物入侵生物污染交互产生新的环境生态现实问题,首次表明外来植物富集重金属后可能形成的“金属盔甲”有助于提高其抗病能力从而产生元素防御,开拓了环境科学与入侵生态领域新的交叉研究方向, 相关研究工作发表在Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety(2023), Journal of Environmental Management(2022a, 2022b), Environmental Pollution (2020) 国际环境科学领域TOP期刊、Plants(2024, 2023a)、Journal of Plant Ecology(2022c)、International Journal of Environment Research (2017)、草地学报(2022)等。
学术主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhi-Cong_Dai/
2.期刊编委:二区SCI期刊《Agriculture-Basel》编委,生态学领域高质量科技期刊《Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution》Guest Associate Editor,卓越期刊/二区SCI期刊《Journal of Plant Ecology》卓越期刊/中文核心期刊《中国农业科学》、中文核心期刊《草地学报》青年编委
3.期刊审稿人:Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Pollution, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Frontiers in Microbiology, Science of Total Environment, Plant and Soil, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, Applied Soil Ecology, Ecological Engineering, Ecological Indicators, Planta, Frontiers in Plant Science, Global Ecology and Conservation, Journal of Forestry Research , Biological Conservation, Planta, Agronomy-Basel, Agriculture-Basel, Diversity-Basel, Journal of Plant Ecology, Flora, Ecology&Evolution, PLoS One等SCI期刊及《植物生态学报》、《生物多样性》、《生物安全学报》、《草地学报》、《植物科学学报》、《资源科学》、《安全与环境工程》、《杂草学报》等专业科技期刊。
1. 指导学生团队获得第二届“C40 Students Reinventing Cities”国际赛事第一名奖项(2023)
2. 指导学生团队获得第二十届“江苏省美境行动”优秀方案设计奖(2023)
3. 镇江市优秀科技论文提名奖(2021)
4. 中文核心期刊《广西植物》创刊40周年百篇优秀论文(2021)
5. 江苏大学教师教学创新大赛(团队)二等奖(2021)
6. 中国博士后“优秀资助者 (2020)”
7. “简浩然环境微生物基金”优秀环境工程奖(2016)
8. 海南省科学技术奖二等奖(2010)
9. 海南省优秀硕士论文(2009)
(1) 主持国家自然科学基金-青年基金(24万)、面上项目(54万)
(2) 主持江苏省自然科学基金-青年基金(20万)、面上项目(10万)
(3) 主持中国博士后基金- 一等资助(8万)、特别资助(15万)
(4) 主持江苏省高校自然科学研究项目(5万)
(5) 主持江苏省博士后基金(4.5万)
(6) 主持江苏大学高级专业人才科研启动基金(5万)
(7) 参与完成国家自然科学基金面上项目5项、十三五国家重点研发计划项目2项
(8) 参与教育部产学合作协同育人教改项目1项
硕士生: 洪霞、孙先超、王莉莉、刘勇涛、王明娜、蔡红红、付伟、王宁、庞芳、陈琪、李琴、杨洪宇、夏维康、贺芙蓉、汪晶晶、梅英皓、王志杰、李旭、周建余、王嘉浩/在读:孔方丽、张熠、张轶钒、胡蝶、李一凡、黄致云、蒋欣琪、陈戴一、任曦彤、熊胡安赫、刘俊臻、张雨
Muhammad Anas(2023江苏省卓博) 、Misbah Naz(2022江苏省卓博)、Irfan Ullah Khan、Bharani Manoharan
1. Chuncan Si, Ying Lin, Yanhua Yu, Ruiqing Liu, Misbah Naz, Zhicong Dai* (2024) Effects of LED Light Quality Combinations on Growth and Leaf Colour of Tissue Culture-Generated Plantlets in Sedum rubrotinctum. Horticultural Science and Technology, (接收)
2. Zhi-Cong Dai, Fang-Li Kong, Yi-Fan Li, Riaz Ullah, Essam A. Ali, Farrukh Gul, Dao-Lin Du, Yi-Fan Zhang, Hui Jia, Shan-Shan Qi *, Nisar Uddin, Irfan Ullah Khan*. (2024) Strong Invasive Mechanism of Wedelia trilobata via Growth and Physiological Traits under Nitrogen Stress Condition. Plants-Basel, 13(3), 355 (Full paper) 二区
3. Yi-Fan Zhang Yi-Fan Zhang, Zhi-Yun Huang,Yi-Fan Li, Xin-Lei Lu, Gen-Rui Li, Shan-Shan Qi, Irfan Ullah Khan, Guan-Lin Li, Zhi-Cong Dai*, Dao-Lin Du. (2024) The Degradability of Microplastics May Not Necessarily Equate to Environmental Friendliness: A Case Study of Cucumber Seedlings with Disturbed Photosynthesis. Agriculture-Basel, 14(1), 53:14010053 (Full paper) 二区
4. Irfan Ullah Khan, Yi-Fan Zhang, Xin-Ning Shi, Shan-Shan Qi, Hai-Yan Zhang, Dao-Lin Du, Farrukh Gul, Jia-Hao Wang, Misbah Naz, Syed Waqas Ali Shah, Hui Jia, Jian Li, Zhi-Cong Dai*. (2023) Dose dependent effect of nitrogen on the phyto extractability of Cd in metal contaminated soil using Wedelia trilobata. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 264: 115419 (Full paper) WOS:001069984500001 一区TOP期刊
5. Zhou Jian-Yu, Zhang Yi, Xu Wen-Ping, Naz Misbah, Li Xiao-Meng, Li Xu, Zhao Bi-Ying, Qi Shan-Shan, Dai Zhi-Cong*, Du Dao-Lin. (2023) Tug of war - Who is the winner? Canker disease restructures the endophytic bacterial community of citrus. Horticultural Science and Technology, 41(5):605-616. (Full paper)
6. Xu Li, Yi Zhang, Fang-Li Kong, Misbah Naz, Jian-Yu Zhou, Shan-Shan Qi, Zhi-Cong Dai*, Dao-Lin Du. (2023) Invasive Plant Alternanthera philoxeroides Benefits More Competition Advantage from Rhizosphere Bacteria Regardless of the Host Source. Plants-Basel, 12(11), 2085 (Full paper) 二区
7. Shanshan Qi, Jiahao Wang, Yi Zhang, Misbah Naz*, Muhammad Rahil Afzal, Daolin Du, Zhicong Dai*. (2023) Omics Approaches in Invasion Biology: Understanding Mechanisms and Impacts on Ecological Health. Plants-Basel, 12(9), 1860 (Full paper) 二区
8. Zhao Biying, Chen Jiangjun, Zou Yujuan, Dai Zhicong, Xing Peng*, Wu Qinglong (2023) Co-occurrence pattern of bacteria and fungi on the leaves of invasive aquatic plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. FEMS Microbiology Ecology,99 (4), fiad022 (Full paper)
9. Irfan Ullah Khan, Shan-Shan Qi, Farrukh Gul, Sehrish Manan, Justice Kipkorir Rono, Misbah Naz, Xin-Ning Shi, Haiyan Zhang, Zhi Cong Dai*, Dao-Lin Du*. (2023) A green approach used for heavy metals ‘phytoremediation’ via invasive plant species to mitigate environmental pollution: A review. Plants-Basel, 12(4): 725. (Full paper) 二区
10. Dong Ran, Dong Bi-Cheng, Fu Qiu-Yue, Yang Qiang, Dai Zhi-Cong, Luo Fang-Li, Gao Jun-Qin, Yu Fei-hai, van Kleunen Mark. (2023) Cultivated alien plants with high invasion potential are more likely to be traded online in China. Ecological Applications , e2811 (Full paper) 一区TOP期刊
11. Ying-Hao Mei, Xu Li, Jian-Yu Zhou, Fang-Li Kong, Shan-Shan Qi, Bin Zhu, Naz Misbah, Zhi-Cong Dai*, Dao-Lin Du. (2022) Both adaptability and endophytic bacteria are linked to the functional traits in invasive clonal plant Wedelia trilobata. Plants-Basel, 11(23), 3369. (Full paper) 二区
12. Zhi-Jie Wang, Xu Li, Jia-Hao Wang, Shan-Shan Qi, Zhi-Cong Dai*, Dao-Lin Du. (2022) Effect of nitrogen-fixing bacteria on resource investment of the root system in an invasive clonal plant under low nutritional environment. Flora , 297: 152166 (Full paper)
13. Misbah Naz, Adalberto Benavides-Mendoza, Muhammad Tariq, Jianyu Zhou, Jiahao Wang, Shanshan Qi, Zhicong Dai*, Daolin Du. (2022b) CRISPR/Cas9 technology as an Innovative Approach to Enhancing the Phytoremediation: Concepts and Implications. Journal of Environmental Management, 323: 116296 (Full paper) 一区TOP期刊
14. Yan Li, Min He, Yizhou Du, Xiupu Wang, Hui Zhang, Zhicong Dai*, Justin SH Wan, Jiquan Sun, Congyan Wang, Daolin Du*. Indigenous PGPB inoculant from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau soil confer drought-stress tolerance to local grass Poa annua. International Journal of Environment Research, 16: 85 (Full paper)
15. Misbah Naz, Zhicong Dai*, Sajid Hussain, Muhammad Tariq, Subhan Danish, Irfan Ullah Khan, Shanshan Qi, Daolin Du. (2022a) The soil pH and heavy metals revealed their impact on soil microbial community. Journal of Environmental Management. 321: 115770 (Full paper) 一区TOP期刊
16. Shanshan Qi, Jiahao Wang, Lingyun Wan, Zhi-Cong Dai* , Dalva Maria da Silva Matos, Daolin Du, Suhelen Egan, Stephen Bonser, Torsten Thomas and Angela T Moles. (2022) Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi contribute to phosphorous uptake and allocation strategies of Solidago canadensis in a phosphorous-deficient environment. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:831654 (Full paper) 一区TOP期刊
17. Zhi-Cong Dai, Bin Zhu, Justin SH Wan* and Susan Rutherford*. (2022) Global Changes and Plant Invasions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10:845816. (Full paper)
18. Shan-Shan Qi1, Bharani Manoharan1, Vignesh Dhandapani, Sridharan Jegadeesan, Susan Rutherford, Justin SH Wan, Ping Huang, Zhi-Cong Dai*, Dao-Lin Du*. (2022) Pathogen resistance in Sphagneticola trilobata (Singapore daisy): molecular associations and differentially expressed genes in response to disease from a widespread fungus. Genetica, 150:13-26 (Full paper)
19. Jiasui Li, Marwan E. Majzoub, Ezequiel M. Marzinelli, Zhicong Dai, Torsten Thomas, Suhelen Egan*. (2022) Bacterial controlled mitigation of dysbiosis in a seaweed disease. ISME J, 16:378–387 (Full paper) 一区TOP期刊
20. Haiyan Zhang, Susan Rutherford, Shanshan Qi, Ping Huang, Zhicong Dai*, Daolin Du*. (2022) Transcriptome profiling of Arabidopsis thaliana roots in response to allelopathic effects of Conyza canadensis. Ecotoxicology, 31: 53–63. (Full paper)
21. Shanshan Qi, Susan Rutherford, Furong He, Bicheng Dong, Bin Zhu, Zhicong Dai*, Weiguo Fu, Hanping Mao, Daolin Du. (2022b) Opposing effects of plant growth regulators via clonal integration on apical and basal performance in alligator weed. Journal of Plant Ecology, 15(3):650-662. (Full paper) 二区
22. Liu Yanjie*, Oduor Ayub, Dai Zhi-Cong, Gao Fanglei, Li Jun-Min, Zhang Xue, Yu Fei-Hai*. (2021) Suppression of a plant hormone gibberellin reduces growth of invasive plants more than native plants. Oikos, 130: 781-789. (Full paper)
23. Zhi-Cong Dai1, Ling-Yun Wan1, Shan-Shan Qi, Susan Rutherford, Guang-Qian Ren, Justin SH Wan*, Dao-Lin Du*.(2020) Synergy among hypotheses in the invasion process of alien plants: A road map within a timeline. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 47: 125575. (Full paper)
24. DAI Zhi-Cong,CAI Hong-Hong,QI Shan-Shan,LI Jian,ZHAI De-Li,Justin Siu Hung WAN*,DU.Dao-Lin. (2020) Cadmium hyperaccumulation as an inexpensive metal armor against disease in Crofton weed. Environmental Pollution, 267: 115649. (Full paper)
25. Hai-Yan Zhang#, Priscila Goncalves#, Elizabeth Copeland, Shan-Shan Qi, Zhi-Cong Dai*, Guan-Lin Li, Cong-Yan Wang, Dao-Lin Du*, Torsten Thomas. (2020) Invasion by the weed Conyza canadensis alters soil nutrient supply and shifts microbiota structure. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 143:107739. (Full paper) (WOS:000523634500008,被引57次 2024.1.23) 一区TOP期刊
26. Qi Chen, Wen-Wen Wu, Shan-Shan Qi, Hao Cheng, Qin Li, Qiong Ran, Zhi-Cong Dai*, Dao-Lin Du*, Suhelen Egan, Torsten Thomas (2021)Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve the growth and disease resistance of the invasive plant Wedelia trilobata. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 130(2): 582-591. (Full paper) (WOS:000502027900001)
27. Shan-Shan Qi, Yan-Jie Liu, Zhi-Cong Dai*, Ling-Yun Wan , Dao-Lin Du, Rui-Ting Ju, Justin S. H. Wan, Stephen P. Bonser*. (2020) Allelopathy confers an invasive Wedelia higher resistance to generalist herbivore and pathogen enemies over its native congener. Oecologia, 192(2):415-423. (Full paper) (WOS:000512043400010)
28. Bharani Manoharan, Shan-Shan Qi, Vignesh Dhandapani, Qi Chen,Susan Rutherford, Justin SH Wan, Sridharan Jegadeesan, Hong-Yu Yang, Qin Li,Jian Li, Zhi-Cong Dai*,Dao-Lin Du*. (2019)Gene Expression Profiling Reveals Enhanced Defense Responses in an Invasive Weed Compared to Its Native Congener During Pathogenesis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20 (19):4916. (Full paper) (WOS:000494798300257)
29. Xue Zhang1, Zhicong Dai1, Fanglei Gao, Daolin Du, Yanjie Liu*.(2019)The role of long-distance dispersal and mycorrhizas on plant colonisation within mainland Germany. Flora,258:151443. (Full paper)
30. Jian Li, Zhiwei Du, Chris B. Zou, Zhicong Dai, Daolin Du*, Chongling Yan*. (2018) The mutual restraint effect between the expansion of Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb and cadmium mobility in aquatic environment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 148: 237–243 (Full paper) 一区TOP期刊
31. Bin Zhu*, Cora C. Ottaviani, Rahmat Naddafi, Zhicong Dai, Daolin Du. (2018) Invasive European frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L.) in North America: an updated review 2003–16. Journal of Plant Ecology, 11(1): 17-25. (Full paper) 二区
32. Dai Zhi-Cong, Si Chun-Can, Zhai De-Li, Huang Ping, Wang Rui-Ping, Zhong Qiong-Xin, Du Dao-Lin*. (2018) Genetic effects of historical anthropogenic disturbance on a long-lived endangered tropical tree Vatica mangachapoi. Journal of Forestry Research,29(2): 291–299 (Full paper) (WOS:000425012700004)
33. Fu Wei, Huang Kai, Cai Hong-Hong, Li Jian, Zhai De-Li, Dai Zhi-Cong*, Du Dao-Lin. (2017) Exploring the Potential of Naturalized Plants for Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Contamination. International Journal of Environment Research 11(4):515-521. (Full paper) (WOS:000413252300009)
34. Dai Zhi-Cong, Fu Wei, Wan Ling-Yun, Cai Hong-Hong, Wang Ning, Qi Shan-Shan*, Du Dao-Lin*. (2016) Different growth promoting effects of endophytic bacteria on invasive and native clonal plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:706. (Full paper) 一区TOP期刊
35. Dai Zhi-Cong, Wang Xiao-Ying, Qi Shan-Shan*, Cai Hong-Hong, Sun Jian-Fan, Huang Ping, Du Dao-Lin*. (2016) Effects of leaf litter on inter-specific competitive ability of the invasive plant Wedelia trilobata, Ecological Research, 31(3): 367-374. (Full paper)
36. Dai Zhi-Cong, Fu Wei, Qi Shan-Shan, Zhai De-Li, Chen Si-Chong, Wan Ling-Yun, Huang Ping, Du Dao-Lin*. (2016) Different responses of an invasive clonal plant Wedelia trilobata and its native congener to Gibberellin: Implications for biological invasion, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 42, 85–94. (Full paper) (当期Cover Paper,国际化学生态学会官方期刊)
37. Jujie Jia, Zhicong Dai, Feng Li, Yanjie Liu*. (2016) How Will Global Environmental Changes Affect the Growth of Alien Plants? Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 1623. (Full paper)
38. Dai Zhi-Cong, Qi Shan-Shan, Miao Shi-Li, Liu Yong-Tao, Tian Yuan-Fei, Zhai De-Li, Huang Ping, Du Dao-Lin (2015) Isolation of NBS-LRR RGAs from invasive Wedelia trilobata and the calculation of evolutionary rates to understand bioinvasion from a molecular evolution perspective, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 61: 19-27. (Full paper)
39. Dai Zhi-Cong, Chun-Can Si, De-Li Zhai, Ping Huang, Shan-Shan Qi, Qiong-Xin Zhong, Xu Hu, Hua-Ming Li and Dao-Lin Du. (2013) Human impacts on genetic diversity and differentiation in six natural populations of Madhuca hainanensis, an endemic and endangered timber species in China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 50:212-219. (Full paper)
40. Qi Shan-Shan1, Dai Zhi-Cong1, Miao Shi-Li, Zhai De-Li, Si Chun-Can, Huang Ping, Wang Rui-Ping, Du Dao-Lin* (2014) Light limitation and litter of an invasive clonal plant, Wedelia trilobata, inhibit its seedling recruitment. Annals of Botany 114: 425-433. (Full paper) 二区
41. Qi Shan-Shan1, Dai Zhi-Cong1, Zhai De-Li, Chen Si-Chong, Si Chun-Can, Huang Ping, Wang Rui-Ping, Zhong Qiong-Xin, Du Dao-Lin (2014) Curvilinear effects of invasive plants on plant diversity: plant community invaded by Sphagneticola trilobata. PloS ONE 9(11): e113964. (Full paper)
42. Si Chun-Can, Dai Zhi-Cong, Lin Ying, Qi Shan-Shan, Huang Ping, Miao Shi-Li, Du Dao-Lin. (2014) Local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity both occurred in Wedelia trilobata invasion across a tropical island. Biological Invasions, 16: 2323–2337. (Full paper)
43. Zhai De-Li*, Cannon CH, Dai Zhi-Cong, Zhang Cui-Ping, Xu Jian-Chu (2014) Deforestation and fragmentation of natural forests in the upper Changhua watershed, Hainan, China: implications for biodiversity conservation. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(1): 4137. (Full paper)
44. Zhai De-Li*, Xu Jian-Chu, Dai Zhi-Cong, Charles H. Cannon,R. E.Grumbine (2014) Increasing tree cover while losing diverse natural forests in tropical Hainan, China. Regional Environmental Change, 09:1-11. (Full paper) 二区
45. De-Li Zhai*, Cannon CH, Slik JWF, Cui-Ping Zhang, Zhi-Cong Dai (2012) Rubber and pulp plantations represent a double threat to Hainan's natural tropical forests. Journal of Environmental Management, (1):64-73. (Full paper) 二区
46. 汪晶晶,王嘉浩,黄致云,Vanessa Chiamaka Okechukw,胡 蝶,祁珊珊*,戴志聪,杜道林. (2023) 不同氮营养条件下内生固氮细菌对入侵植物南美蟛蜞菊生长策略的影响. 植物生态学报,47(2): 195-205 生态学高质量期刊/卓越期刊(梯队)
47. 杨洪宇, 夏维康,杨彬,黄致云,祁珊珊,戴志聪*, 杜道林. (2022) 南美蟛蜞菊改变资源分配应对CO2浓度升高对其竞争力的负影响. 草地学报,30(2): 141-146
48. 祁珊珊, 贺芙蓉, 汪晶晶, 李琴, 戴志聪*, 杜道林. 丛枝菌根真菌对入侵植物南美蟛蜞菊生长及竞争力的影响. 微生物学通报, 2020, 47(11): 3801-3810
49. 庞芳, 夏维康, 何敏, 祁珊珊, 戴志聪*, 杜道林. 固氮菌缓解氮限制环境中丛枝菌根真菌对加拿大一枝黄花的营养竞争. 植物生态学报, 2020, 44 (7): 782–790
50. 李琴, 陈琪, 贺芙蓉, Bharani Manoharan, 戴志聪, 祁珊珊*, 杜道林.丛枝菌根真菌促进南美蟛蜞菊生长及对难溶磷的吸收. 热带亚热带植物学报, 2020, 28(4): 339 ~ 346
51. 何敏,王秀璞,李彦,戴志聪,王从彦,杜海,杜道林. 两株耐寒PGPB的分离及其对藏北当地牧草生长的影响. 广西植物. 2020-06-09
52. 陈琪,程浩,李琴,贺芙蓉,吴闻文,祁珊珊*,戴志聪,杜道林.丛枝菌根真菌促进南美蟛蜞菊在低磷环境下的生长. 江苏农业科学, 2020,48(08):103-107.
53. 王宁, 杨洪宇, 祁珊珊, 孙见凡, 戴志聪*, 杜道林. 外来植物入侵的生物多样性响应及其生态防控综述.江苏农业科学, 2019, 47(12): 13-17. (中文核心)
54. 付伟, 王宁, 庞芳, 黄玉龙, 吴俊, 祁珊珊, 戴志聪*, 杜道林. 土壤微生物与植物入侵:研究现状与展望. 生物多样性, 2017, 25(12):1295-1302. (中文核心) 卓越期刊(梯队)
55. 祁珊珊, 吴俊, 陈琪, 黄凯, 李健, 戴志聪*, 杜道林. 克隆整合在空心莲子草抗病原真菌中的作用. 生态环境学报, 2017,26(5): 729-734. (中文核心)
56. 戴志聪, 祁珊珊, 邢旭煌, 杨冬华, 宋经元, 杜道林, 阳小成*, (2010) 珍稀濒危植物海南粗榧幼苗天然更新与环境因子的灰色关联分析. 林业资源管理, 2: 50-56.
57. 戴志聪,陈友铃,刘亮,郑翠芳,吴文珊*. (2010) 贮藏条件对薜荔榕小蜂存活的影响. 福建师范大学学报(自然科学版),(6):109-113.
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