钱飞跃(1986—),男,博士,硕士生导师。现任苏州科技大学环境科学与工程学院副院长、江苏大学环境与安全工程学院副院长(挂职)。先后主持国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、苏州市社会发展科技创新重点项目等课题10余项,在国内外主流学术期刊上发表论文70余篇,授权国家发明专利16项(含美国专利2项),1项技术成果入选长江生态环境保护修复典型案例。主讲江苏高校外国留学生英文授课省级精品课程《New biological wastewater treatment technology》,指导在校生获“互联网+”、“挑战杯”和“节能减排”等国家级省级学科竞赛奖项11项。
1. Xin Xia, Yu Yan, Junpeng Luo, Tingting Liu, Bingdang Wu, Feiyue Qian*, Effects of peroxide types on the removal performance and mechanism of sulfonamide antibiotics using graphene-based catalytic membranes, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023, 179: 362-372.
2. Feng Yan; Suqin Wang; Ziheng Huang; Yaru Liu; Lingli He; Feiyue Qian*; Microbial ecological responses of partial nitritation/anammox granular sludge to real water matrices and its potential application. Environmental Research. 2023, 226:115701
3. Feiyue Qian*; Junpeng Luo; Honggui Yin; Feng Liu; Shiqian Gao; Xinyu Gu; Carbonaceous composite membranes for peroxydisulfate activation to remove sulfamethoxazole in a real water matrix. Chemosphere. 2022, 288:132597.
4. Feiyue Qian; Yaru Liu; Chenyun Mo; Huan Zhang; Feng Yan; Junjun Gao; Jinlong Zhuang; Response of partial nitritation/anammox granules to biodegradable organic input in bacterial community and functions. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2022, 51: 103442.
5. Junpeng Luo; Tingting Liu; Feiyue Qian*; Xin Xia; Xiaoji Zhou; Yun Zhu; Boosting non-radical oxidation in peroxydisulfate activation with carbonaceous catalytic membranes by coupling structural defects and nitrogen doping sites. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2022, 10(3): 108101.
6. Cui Da; Xinyu Gu; Chunchen Lu; Xinyue Chang; Yuanyuan Cheng; Feiyue Qian*; Greenhouse gas emission benefits of adopting new energy vehicles in Suzhou City, China: A case study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2022, 29(50): 76286-7629
7. Feiyue Qian; Shuhui Cui; Feng Liu; Junpeng Luo; Ziheng Huang; Jianfang Wang*; Effect of hydraulic selection pressure on the characteristics of partial nitritation/anammox granular sludge in a continuous-flow reactor. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 2021, 24: 102042.
8. Jiayi Sheng; Honggui Yin; Feiyue Qian*; Huimin Huang; Shiqian Gao; Jianfang Wang; Reduced graphene oxide-based composite membranes for in-situ catalytic oxidation of sulfamethoxazole operated in membrane filtration, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 236: 116275.
9. Jianfang Wang, Zeyu Zhang, Feiyue Qian*, Yaoliang Shen, Zekun Qi, Xiaoqing Ji, Emma Marcello Lagu Kajamisso. Rapid start-up of a nitritation granular reactor using activated sludge as inoculum at the influent organics/ammonium mass ratio of 2/1. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 256: 170-177.
10. Feiyue Qian, Gebreyesus Abebe Temesgen, Jianfang Wang*, Yaoliang Shen, Wenru Liu, Lulin Xie. Single-stage autotrophic nitrogen removal process at high loading rate: granular reactor performance, kinetics, and microbial characterization. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2018, 102 (5): 2379-2389.
1. Integrated wastewater treatment apparatus and method, 美国专利号 US11479491B2
2. 一种水质净化方法, 发明专利号 ZL202110317351.5
3. 一种一体化污水处理方法, 发明专利号 ZL201911180123.7
4. 一种水污染净化和资源化利用系统及其应用, 发明专利号 ZL202110067358.6
5. 一种分散型污水处理设施的运行维护方法, 发明专利号 ZL201910891516.2