Prof. Sameh Samir Ali

h-index: 37 (Scopus)
i10-index: 86 (Google Scholar)
Top 2% of the world's top scientists
Contact information and profile websites
Biofuels Institute | | Microbiology Department |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering | | Faculty of Science |
Jiangsu University | | Tanta University |
Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 212013, P. R. China | | Tanta, 31527, Egypt |
E-mail: |
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Postdoctoral | 2018 | School of the Environment and Safety Engineering, Jiangsu University, China |
Ph.D. | 2013 | Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Egypt |
M.S. | 2008 | Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Egypt |
B.S. | 1998 | Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Egypt |
Dr. Sameh Samir Ali 's main research field is environmental science and engineering, and his research direction is to develop advanced technologies for the utilization of some recalcitrant organic wastes, uniquely by the biological conversion pathway and their biotransformation into biofuels using highly efficient natural lignocellulolytic conversion systems (e.g. wood-feeding termites). Integrating bioremediation and biorefinery technology is truly considered as a new concept for constructing a biodiesel production system, particularly from a new type of renewable organic wastes or pollutant feedstock. Furthermore, the utilization of dye-degrading oleaginous yeasts isolated from termite would potentially pave a new avenue in developing a robust, competitive third-generation biodiesel production system simultaneously with bioremediating our environment from those organic wastes.
-Innovative biological wastewater treatment | -Bioremediation |
-Persistent organic pollutants | -Microplastics |
-Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons | -Biomass conversion |
-Nanomaterial-biological interactions | -Sustainable development |
-Hazardous waste Valorization | -Antimicrobial resistance |
-Bioenergy and biomaterials | -Biodegradation |
Ø Membership of the Chemical, Biological& Environmental Engineering Society (CBEES)-Hong Kong.
Ø Membership of African Association for Sustainable Development (AASD).
Ø Membership of Egyptian Academic Society for Environmental Development (EASED).
Ø Membership of Egyptian Society of Experimental Biology (ESEB).
Ø Membership of the Egyptian Association for Cancer Research (EACR).
Ø Membership of Egyptian Botanical Society (EBS).
Ø Chinese Chemical Letters (ELSEVIER publisher).
Ø Environmental Science & Ecotechnology (ELSEVIER publisher).
Ø International Journal of Biomaterials (HINDAWI Publisher).
Ø As Guest Editor of Special Issue "Frontiers in Sustainable Waste Management and Biomass Energy Conversion" in Energies (MDPI Publisher).
Ø Bioresource Technology
Ø Science of the Total Environment
Ø Journal of Hazardous Materials
Ø Industrial Crops & Products
Ø Biophysical Chemistry
Ø Energy Conversion and Management
Ø Environmental Challenges
Ø Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
Ø Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Ø Microbial Pathogenesis
Ø BioResources
Ø Journal of Biotechnology and Bioresearch
Ø Advances in Biotechnology
Ø Advances in Food Technology and Nutritional Sciences-Open Journal
Ø Ministry of Science and Technology, National key R&D program, 2023YFC3403600, Analysis of Lignin Natural Bio-depolymerization Process and Establishment of Biomimetic Technology, 2023-11-2028-10, 1,300,000 RMB, Principle Investigator.
Ø Ministry of Science and Technology, National key R&D program, 2018YFE0107100, Processing Biomimetic Technologies for Converting Lignocellulose into High-value Added Consumer and Industrial Products, 2019-08-01-2023-07-31, 3,680,000 RMB, participant.
Ø NSFC, General program, 31772529, The lignin degradation mechanisms and its processing characterizations in the digestive system of Formosanus Subterranean Termite, 2018-2021, 600,000 RMB, participant.
Ø Evaluation of pollution and overlaps sea water and climate change facing the ground water portion of the East Nile Delta challenges (TU-01-13-02). Funded by Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education. 2013 – 2015, 100,000 L.E, participant.
Ø Production of biogas and compost from organic wastes (SP1-078-TAN). Funded by Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education [Supporting of Excellence Students Projects (SESE)]. 3. 2014 - 12. 2014, 60,000 L.E, Principle Investigator.
Ø Antimicrobial composite as substituent for chlorine system for water treatment (TU-01-15-05). Funded by Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education. 2015 – 2017, 150,000 L.E, participant.
Ø Optimal production and utilization of biodiesel in homogeneous charge compression ignition, HCCI, engine (TU-03-15-02). Funded by Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education. 2015 – 2017, 170,000 L.E, participant.
Ø Renewable energy: Recycle for changing (SP2-008-TAN). Funded by Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education [Supporting of Excellence Students Projects (SESE)]. 3. 2015 - 9. 2015, 50,000 L.E, Principle Investigator
Ø State Award of Excellence in Basic Sciences for the academic year 2023.
Ø Among World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University (2023)
Ø Among World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University (2022)
Ø International journal published an article entitled "Profs. Sameh Ali and Jianzhong Sun Break New Ground in Biotechnology, Harnessing Termite Microbes for Environmental Solutions" (2023).
Ø British magazine "New Scientist" and other international journals published an article about our work entitled "termite bacteria could chomp wood waste into biofuel" (2021).
Ø Innovations and contributions in the field of science (2021) awarded by Egyptian Embassy in the People's Republic of China (30th Sep. 2021).
Ø Best Researcher Award (2021) for the contribution and honourable achievement in innovative research. International Research Award on New Science Inventions; NESIN 2021; Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Govt. of India (5th Aug. 2021).
Ø Best Oral Presentation (2016); 4th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG) held at Rumah Kelab PAMU Clubhouse (Persatuan Alumni University Malaya), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (21-22 July, 2016).
· Ali, S.S.*, Al-Tohamy, R., Elsamahy, T. and Sun, J., 2024. Harnessing recalcitrant lignocellulosic biomass for enhanced biohydrogen production: Recent advances, challenges, and future perspective. Biotechnology Advances, 72,108344.
· Ali, S.S*, Al-Tohamy, R., Alsharbaty, M.H.M., Elsamahy, T., El-Sapagh, S., Lim, J.W. and Sun, J. 2024. Microplastics and their ecotoxicological impacts: remediation approaches, challenges and future perspectives-A review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 452,142153.
· Sun, J., He, X., Yilin, L.E., Al-Tohamy, R. and Ali, S.S.*. 2024. Potential applications of extremophilic bacteria in the bioremediation of extreme environments contaminated with heavy metals. Journal of Environmental Management, 352, 120081.
· Jiao, H., He, X., Sun, J., Elsamahy, T., Al-Tohamy, R., Kornaros, M. and Ali, S.S*. 2024. A critical review on sustainable biorefinery approaches and strategies for wastewater treatment and production of value-added products. Energy, Ecology and Environment, 9(1), 1-24.
· Jiao, H., Ali, S.S.*, Alsharbaty, M.H.M., Elsamahy, T., Abdelkarim, E., Schagerl, M., Al-Tohamy, R. and Sun, J. 2024. A critical review on plastic waste life cycle assessment and management: Challenges, research gaps, and future perspectives. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 271, 115942
· Jiao, H., Tsigkou, K., Elsamahy, T., Pispas, K., Sun, J., Manthos, G., Schagerl, M., Sventzouri, E., Al-Tohamy, R., Kornaros, M. and Ali, S.S.*. 2024. Recent advances in sustainable hydrogen production from microalgae: Mechanisms, challenges, and future perspectives. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 270, 115908.
· Xie, R., Danso, B., Sun, J., Schagerl, M., Al-Tohamy, R. and Ali, S.S*. 2024. Harnessing the potential of a novel lignin-degrading Streptomyces sp. MS-S2 from wood-feeding termite for malachite green decolorization and detoxification. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 186, 189-199.
· Rady, H.A., Ali, S.S. and El-Sheekh, M.M., 2024. Strategies to enhance biohydrogen production from microalgae: A comprehensive review. Journal of Environmental Management, 356, 120611.
· Ali, A., Wu, L. and Ali, S.S., 2024. Vitamin D and the microbiota connection: understanding its potential to improve COPD outcomes. The Egyptian Journal of Bronchology, 18(1), 20.
· Sobhy, M., Ali, S.S.*, Khalil, M.A., Chen, X., Cui, H., Lin, L. and El-Sapagh, S., 2024. Exploring the potential of zinc oxide nanoparticles against pathogenic multi-drug resistance Staphylococcus aureus from ready-to-eat meat and its proposed mechanism. Food Control, 156, 110117.
· Ali, A., Wu, L. and Ali, S.S., 2023. Gut microbiota and acute kidney injury: immunological crosstalk link. International Urology and Nephrology, 1-14.
· Sakarika, M., Sventzouri, E., Pispas, K., Ali, S.S. and Kornaros, M., 2023. Production of biopolymers from microalgae and cyanobacteria. Algal Systems for Resource Recovery from Waste and Wastewater, 207.
· Alsharbaty, M.H.M., Naji, G.A. and Ali, S.S.*, 2023. Exploring the potential of a newly developed pectin-chitosan polyelectrolyte composite on the surface of commercially pure titanium for dental implants. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 22203.
· Sobhy, M., Ali, S.S.*, Cui, H., Lin, L. and El-Sapagh, S., 2023. Exploring the potential of 1, 8-cineole from cardamom oil against food-borne pathogens: antibacterial mechanisms and its application in meat preservation. Microbial Pathogenesis, 184, 106375.
· El-Zawawy, N.A., Ali, S.S. and Nouh, H.S., 2023. Exploring the potential of Rhizopus oryzae AUMC14899 as a novel endophytic fungus for the production of l-tyrosine and its biomedical applications. Microbial Cell Factories, 22(1), 31.
· Elsamahy, T., Al-Tohamy, R., Abdelkarim, E.A., Zhu, D., El-Sheekh, M., Sun, J. and Ali, S.S.*, 2023. Strategies for efficient management of microplastics to achieve life cycle assessment and circular economy. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195, 1361.
· Hamouda, M.M., Badr, A., Ali, S.S., Adham, A.M., Ahmed, H.I.S. and Saad-Allah, K.M., 2023. Growth, physiological, and molecular responses of three phaeophyte extracts on salt-stressed pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedlings. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 21(1), 32.
· Papavasileiou, P., Koutras, S., Koutra, E., Ali, S.S. and Kornaros, M., 2023. A novel rice hull-microalgal biorefinery for the production of natural phenolic compounds comprising of rice hull acid pretreatment and a two-stage Botryococcus braunii cultivation process. Bioresource Technology, 387, 129621.
· Mastropetros, S.G., Pispas, K., Zagklis, D., Tsigkou, K., Ali, S.S., Ariyadasa, T.U. and Kornaros, M., 2023. Effect of a dark-colored substrate on the production of phycocyanin by the cyanobacterium Phormidium sp. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11, 110580.
· Ali, S.S., Jiao, H., El-Sapagh, S. and Sun, J., 2023. Biodegradation of willow sawdust by novel cellulase-producing bacterial consortium from wood-feeding termites for enhancing methane production. Bioresource Technology, 383, 129232.
· Ali, S.S.*, Abdelkarim, E.A., Elsamahy, T., Al-Tohamy, R., Li, F., Kornaros, M., Zuorro, A., Zhu, D. and Sun, J., 2023. Bioplastic production in terms of life cycle assessment: A state-of-the-art review. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 100254.
· Ali, S.S.*, Elsamahy, T., Zhu, D. and Sun, J., 2023. Biodegradability of polyethylene by efficient bacteria from the guts of plastic-eating waxworms and investigation of its degradation mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 443, 130287.
· Ali, S.S.*, Elgibally, E., Khalil, M.A., Sun, J. and El-Shanshoury, A.E.R.R., 2023. Characterization and bioactivities of exopolysaccharide produced from Azotobacter salinestris EPS-AZ-6. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 246, 125594.
· Ali, S.S., Zagklis, D., Kornaros, M. and Sun, J., 2023. Cobalt oxide nanoparticles as a new strategy for enhancing methane production from anaerobic digestion of noxious aquatic weeds. Bioresource Technology, 368, 128308.
· Ali, S.S.*, Ali, A., Elsamahy, T., Okasha, K.M. and Sun, J., 2023. Toxicity consideration of antibiotics. In Antibiotics-Therapeutic Spectrum and Limitations (pp. 297-328). Academic Press.
· Ali, S.S.*, Elsamahy, T., Abdelkarim, E.A., Abdelfattah, A., Ramadan, H., Mostafa, S., Metwally, S.M. and Sun, J., 2023. Engineered yeast for the production of bioplastics. In Advances in Yeast Biotechnology for Biofuels and Sustainability (pp. 277-296). Elsevier.
· Ali, S.S.*, Al-Tohamy, R., Zuorro, A., Elsamahy, T., Metwally, S.M., Abdelfattah, A., Eltawab, R., Sun, S. and Sun, J., 2023. Biodegradation of azo dyes by yeasts. In Advances in Yeast Biotechnology for Biofuels and Sustainability (pp. 371-393). Elsevier.
· Nawaz, M.Z., Shang, H., Sun, J., Geng, A., Ali, S.S., and Zhu, D., 2023. Genomic insights into the metabolic potential of a novel lignin-degrading and polyhydroxyalkanoates producing bacterium Pseudomonas sp. Hu109A. Chemosphere, 310, 136754.
· Al-Tohamy, R., Ali, S.S.*, Xie, R., Schagerl, M., Khalil, M.A. and Sun, J., 2023. Decolorization of reactive azo dye using novel halotolerant yeast consortium HYC and proposed degradation pathway. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 263, 115258.
· Koutra, E., Zagklis, D.P., Tsigkou, K., Ali, S.S.*, and Kornaros, M., 2023. Valorization of microalgal biomass for biofuels. In Valorization of Microalgal Biomass and Wastewater Treatment (pp. 53-79). Elsevier.
· Koutra, E., Ali, S.S.*, Sakarika, M. and Kornaros, M., 2023. Biorefinery and bioremediation potential of microalgae. In Valorization of Microalgal Biomass and Wastewater Treatment (pp. 197-217). Elsevier.
· Mastropetros, S.G., Pispas, K., Zagklis, D., Tsigkou, K., Ali, S.S., Ariyadasa, T.U. and Kornaros, M., 2023. Effect of a dark-colored substrate on the production of phycocyanin by the cyanobacterium Phormidium sp. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 110580.
· Abd Elnabi, M.K., Elkaliny, N.E., Elyazied, M.M., Azab, S.H., Elkhalifa, S.A., Elmasry, S., Mouhamed, M.S., Shalamesh, E.M., Alhorieny, N.A., Abd Elaty, A.E., Elgendy, I.M., Ali, S.S.*, 2023. Toxicity of Heavy Metals and Recent Advances in Their Removal: A Review. Toxics, 11, 580.
· Madadi, M., Liu, D., Qin, Y., Zhang, Y., Karimi, K., Tabatabaei, M., Gupta, V.K., Aghbashlo, M. and Ali, S.S., 2023. Integrated pretreatment of poplar biomass employing p-toluenesulfonic acid catalyzed liquid hot water and short-time ball milling for complete conversion to xylooligosaccharides, glucose, and native-like lignin. Bioresource Technology, 129370.
· Shalaby, M.G., AboZeid, A.M., Mahmoud, Y.A.G., Al-Hossainy, A.F., Darwesh, O.M. and Ali, S.S.*, 2023. Exploring the potential of [F. oxysporum/PSCO11Cu7] BNC as a novel copper-Fusarium oxysporum bio-hybrid nanocomposite for wastewater treatment. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1281, 135119.
· Al-Tohamy, R., Ali, S.S.*, Zhang, M., Sameh, M., Mahmoud, Y.A.G., Waleed, N., Okasha, K.M., Sun, S. and Sun, J., 2023. Can wood-feeding termites solve the environmental bottleneck caused by plastics? A critical state-of-the-art review. Journal of Environmental Management, 326, 116606.
· Uddin, N., Muhammad, N., Ali, S.S., Ullah, R., Bari, A., Hussain, H. and Zhu, D., 2023. Characterization of the Genetic Variability within Ziziphus nummularia Genotypes by Phenotypic Traits and SSR Markers with Special Reference to Geographic Distribution. Genes, 14(1), 155.
· Abdelsalam, M., Elgendy, M.Y., Elfadadny, M.R., Ali, S.S., Sherif, A.H. and Abolghait, S.K., 2023. A review of molecular diagnoses of bacterial fish diseases. Aquaculture International, 31(1), 417-434.
· Manthos, G., Zagklis, D., Ali, S.S., Zafiri, C. and Kornaros, M., 2023. Techno-Economic Evaluation of the Thermochemical Energy Valorization of Construction Waste and Algae Biomass: A Case Study for a Biomass Treatment Plant in Northern Greece. Processes, 11(5), p.1549.
· Narayanan, M., Ali, S.S., and El-Sheekh, M., 2023. A comprehensive review on the potential of microbial enzymes in multipollutant bioremediation: Mechanisms, challenges, and future prospects. Journal of Environmental Management, 334, p.117532.
· Priya, A.K., Muruganandam, M., Ali, S.S., and Kornaros, M., 2023. Clean-Up of Heavy Metals from Contaminated Soil by Phytoremediation: A Multidisciplinary and Eco-Friendly Approach. Toxics, 11(5), 422.
· Awadalla, O.A., Atawy, W.A., Bedaiwy, M.Y., Ali, S.S.*, and Mahmoud, Y.A.G., 2023. Anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic waste for enhanced methane production and biogas-digestate utilization. Industrial Crops and Products, 195, 116420.
· Elsamahy, T., Sun, J., Elsilk, S.E. and Ali, S.S.*, 2023. Biodegradation of low-density polyethylene plastic waste by a constructed tri-culture yeast consortium from wood-feeding termite: Degradation mechanism and pathway. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 448, 130944.
· Al-Tohamy, R., Ali, S.S.*, Zhang, M., Elsamahy, T., Abdelkarim, E.A., Jiao, H., Sun, S. and Sun, J., 2023. Environmental and human health impact of disposable face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic: wood-feeding termites as a model for plastic biodegradation. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 195, 2093-2113.
· Jiao, H., Sun, J., Shi, Y., Lu, X., Ali, S.S., Fu, Y., Zhang, H., Li, Y., Wang, Q., Zhou, M. and Liu, J., 2023. Recent advances in strategies of nanocellulose surface and/or interface engineering for potential biomedical applications as well as its ongoing challenges: a review. Cellulose, 1-31.
· El-Zawawy, N.A., Ali, S.S., and Nouh, H.S., 2023. Exploring the potential of Rhizopus oryzae AUMC14899 as a novel endophytic fungus for the production of l-tyrosine and its biomedical applications. Microbial Cell Factories, 22(1), 31.
· Papavasileiou, P., Koutras, S., Koutra, E., Ali, S.S., and Kornaros, M., 2023. A novel rice hull-microalgal biorefinery for the production of natural phenolic compounds comprising of rice hull acid pretreatment and a two-stage Botryococcus braunii cultivation process. Bioresource Technology, 129621.
· El Zawawy, N.A., El-Safty, S., Kenawy, E.R., Ibrahim Salem, S., Ali, S.S.,and Mahmoud, Y.A.G., 2023. Exploring the biomedical potential of a novel modified glass ionomer cement against the pandrug-resistant oral pathogen Candida albicans SYN-01. Journal of Oral Microbiology, 15, 2195741.
· Savvas Giannis Mastropetros, Konstantinos Pispas, Dimitris Zagklis, Ali, S.S. Michael Kornaros. Biopolymers production from microalgae and cyanobacteria cultivated in wastewater: Recent advances. Biotechnology Advances 60 (2022) 107999 (Q1; IF 17.681).
· Ali, S.S.*, Rania Al-Tohamy, Yehia A.-G. Mahmoud, Michael Kornaros, Sarina Sun, Jianzhong Sun. Recent advances in the life cycle assessment of biodiesel production linked to azo dye degradation using yeast symbionts of termite guts: A critical review. Energy Reports 8 (2022) 7557–7581 (Q1; IF 4.937).
· Ali, S.S., Rania Al-Tohamy, Maha A. Khalil, Shih-Hsin Ho, Yinyi Fu, Jianzhong Sun. Exploring the potential of a newly constructed manganese peroxidase-producing yeast consortium for tolerating lignin degradation inhibitors while simultaneously decolorizing and detoxifying textile azo dye wastewater. Bioresource Technology (2022) 126861 (Q1; IF 9.642).
· Ali, S.S.*, Rania Al‑Tohamy, Tarek M. Mohamed, Yehia A.‑G. Mahmoud, Hector A. Ruiz, Lushan Sun and Jianzhong Sun. Could termites be hiding a goldmine of obscure yet promising yeasts for energy crisis solutions based on aromatic wastes? A critical state‑of‑the‑art review. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts (2022) 15:35.
· Savvas Giannis Mastropetros, Eleni Koutra, Mohammed Amouri, Majda Aziza, Ali, S.S. and Michael Kornaros. Comparative Assessment of Nitrogen Concentration Effect on Microalgal Growth and Biochemical Characteristics of Two Chlorella Strains Cultivated in Digestate. Marine Drugs (2022), 20, 415. (Q1; IF 6.085).
· Michael Schagerl, Irina Ludwig, Mostafa El-Sheekh, Michael Kornaros, Ali, S.S. The efficiency of microalgae-based remediation as a green process for industrial wastewater treatment. Algal Research 66 (2022) 102775 (Q1; IF 5.276).
· Maria Zakoura, Alexandros Kopsahelis, Konstantina Tsigkou, Spyridon Ntougias, Ali, S.S., Michael Kornaros. Performance evaluation of three mesophilic upflow anaerobic sludge blanket bioreactors treating olive mill wastewater: Flocculent and granular inocula tests, organic loading rate effect and anaerobic consortia structure. Fuel 313 (2022) 122951 (Q1; IF 6.609).
· Nessma A. El-Zawawy, Ali, S.S.*, Maha A. Khalil, Jianzhong Sun, Hoda S. Nouh. Exploring the potential of benzoic acid derived from the endophytic fungus strain Neurospora crassa SSN01 as a promising antimicrobial agent in wound healing. Microbiological Research 262 (2022) 127108 (Q1; IF 5.070).
· Maha A. Khalil, Abd El-Raheem R. El-Shanshoury, Maha A. Alghamdi, Fatin A. Alsalmi, Samia F. Mohamed, Jianzhong Sun and Ali, S.S.*. Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Marine Actinobacterium Nocardiopsis dassonvillei and Exploring Their Therapeutic Potentials. Frontiers in Microbiology 12 (2022) 705673 (Q1; IF 5.23). doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.705673
· Maha A. Khalil, Eman H.F. Abd El-Zaher, Olaa Abd El-Salam, Ali, S.S.*. Exploring the therapeutic potential of acetonic plant extracts in the healing of skin wounds infected with multidrug resistant pathogens. Journal of Applied Biomedicine (2022) 1-11 (Q4; IF 1.7) .
· Ali, S.S.*, Manar K. Abd Elnabi, Mohammad M. Alkherkhisy, Abdulkarim Hasan, Fanghua Li, Maha Khalil, Jianzhong Sun, Nessma El-Zawawy. Exploring the potential of Cinnamomum zeylanicum oil against drug resistant Helicobacter pylori-producing cytotoxic genes. Journal of Applied Biomedicine (2022) 1-15 (Q4; IF 1.7). DOI: 10.32725/jab.2022.003
· Ali, S.S.*, Rania Al-Tohamy, Jianzhong Sun. Performance of Meyerozyma caribbica as a novel manganese peroxidase-producing yeast inhabiting wood-feeding termite gut symbionts for azo dye decolorization and detoxification. Science of the Total Environment 806 (2022) 150665 (Q1; IF 7.963).
· Blessing Danso, Ali, S.S., Rongrong Xie, Jianzhong Sun. Valorisation of wheat straw and bioethanol production by a novel xylanase-and cellulase-producing Streptomyces strain isolated from the wood-feeding termite, Microcerotermes species. Fuel 310 (2022) 122333 (Q1; IF 6.609).
· Ohood A. Amer, Ali, S.S.*, Maha Azaba, Wagih A. El-Shouny, Jianzhong Sun, Yehia A.-G. Mahmoud. Exploring new marine bacterial species, Alcaligenes faecalis Alca F2018 valued for bioconversion of shrimp chitin to chitosan for concomitant biotechnological applications. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 196 (2022) 35-45 (Q1; IF 6.953).
· Rania Al-Tohamy, Ali, S.S.*, Fanghua Lic, Kamal M. Okasha, Yehia A.-G. Mahmoud, Tamer Elsamahy, Haixin Jiao, Yinyi Fu, Jianzhong Sun. A critical review on the treatment of dye-containing wastewater: Ecotoxicological and health concerns of textile dyes and possible remediation approaches for environmental safety. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 231 (2022) 113160 (Q1, IF 6.291).
· Maha A. Khalil, Gamal M. El Maghraby, Fatma I. Sonbol, Nanis G. Allam, Perihan S. Ateya and Ali, S.S.*. Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Marine Actinobacterium Nocardiopsis dassonvillei and Exploring Their Therapeutic Potentials. Frontiers in Microbiology 12 (2021) 648560 (Q1, IF 5.23). doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.648560
· Ali, S.S.*, Haixin Jiao, Ahmed M. Mustafa, Eleni Koutra, Shimaa El-Sapagh, Michael Kornaros, Tamer Elsamahy, Maha Khalil, Laura Bulgariu, Jianzhong Sun. Construction of a novel microbial consortium valued for the effective degradation and detoxification of creosote-treated sawdust along with enhanced methane production. Journal of Hazardous Materials 418 (2021) 126091 (Q1; IF 10.588).
· Ali, S.S.*, Rania Al-Tohamy, Eleni Koutra, Amal H. El-Naggar, Michael Kornaros, Jianzhong Sun. Valorizing lignin-like dyes and textile dyeing wastewater by a newly constructed lipid-producing and lignin modifying oleaginous yeast consortium valued for biodiesel and bioremediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123575 (Q1; IF 10.588).
· Ali, S.S., Ahmed M. Mustafa, Michael Kornaros, Jianzhong Sun, Maha Khalil, Mohamed El-Shetehy. Biodegradation of creosote-treated wood by two novel constructed microbial consortia for the enhancement of methane production. Bioresource Technology 323 (2021) 124544 (Q1; IF 9.642).
· Ali, S.S., Ahmed M. Mustafa, Jianzhong Sun. Wood‑feeding termites as an obscure yet promising source of bacteria for biodegradation and detoxification of creosote-treated wood along with methane production enhancement. Bioresource Technology 338 (2021) 125521 (Q1; IF 9.642).
· Rania Al‑Tohamy, Jianzhong Sun, Maha A. Khalil, Michael Kornaros and Ali, S.S.*. Wood‑feeding termite gut symbionts as an obscure yet promising source of novel manganese peroxidase‑producing oleaginous yeasts intended for azo dye decolorization and biodiesel production. Biotechnology for Biofuels 14 (2021) 229 (Q1; IF 6.04).
· Ali, S.S.*, Tamer Elsamahy, Eleni Koutra, Michael Kornaros, Mostafa El-Sheekh, Esraa A. Abdelkarim, Daochen Zhu, Jianzhong Sun. Degradation of conventional plastic wastes in the environment: A review on current status of knowledge and future perspectives of disposal. Science of the Total Environment 771 (2021) 144719 (Q1; IF 7.963).
· Ali, S.S.*, Tamer Elsamahy, Rania Al-Tohamy, Daochen Zhu, Yehia A.-G. Mahmoud, Eleni Koutra, Metwally A. Metwally, Michael Kornaros, Jianzhong Sun. Plastic wastes biodegradation: Mechanisms, challenges and future prospects. Science of the Total Environment 792 (2021) 148359 (Q1; IF 7.963).
· Ali, S.S.*, Rania Al-Tohamy, Eleni Koutra, Mohamed S. Moawad, Michael Kornaros, Ahmed M. Mustafa, Yehia A.-G. Mahmoud, Abdelfattah Badr, Mohamed E.H. Osman, Tamer Elsamahy, Haixin Jiao, Jianzhong Sun. Nanobiotechnological advancements in agriculture and food industry: Applications, nanotoxicity, and future perspectives. Science of the Total Environment 771 (2021) 144719 (Q1; IF 7.963).
· Ali, S.S.*, Jianzhong Sun, Eleni Koutra, Nessma El-Zawawy, Tamer Elsamahy, Mohamed El-Shetehy. Construction of a novel cold-adapted oleaginous yeast consortium valued for textile azo dye wastewater processing and biorefinery. Fuel 285 (2021) 119050 (Q1; IF 6.609).
· Ali, S.S.*, Rania Al‑Tohamy, Eleni Koutra, Michael Kornaros, Maha Khalil, Tamer Elsamahy, Mohamed El‑Shetehy and Jianzhong Sun. Coupling azo dye degradation and biodiesel production by manganese‑dependent peroxidase producing oleaginous yeasts isolated from wood‑feeding termite gut symbionts. Biotechnology for Biofuels 14 (2021) 61 (Q1; IF 6.04).
· Ali, S.S.*, Mohamed S. Moawad, Mohamed A. Hussein, Maha Azab, Esraa Abdelkarim, Abdelfattah Badr, Jianzhong Sun, Maha Khalil. Efficacy of metal oxide nanoparticles as novel antimicrobial agents against multi-drug and multi virulent Staphylococcus aureus isolates from retail raw chicken meat and giblets. International Journal of Food Microbiology 344 (2021) 109116 (Q1; IF 5.277).
· Eleni Koutra, Savvas Mastropetros, Ali, S.S., Konstantina Tsigkou, Michael Kornaros. Assessing the potential of Chlorella vulgaris for valorization of liquid digestates from agro-industrial and municipal organic wastes in a biorefinery approach. Journal of Cleaner Production 280 (2021) 124352 (Q1; IF 9.297).
· Ali, S.S.*, Michael Kornaros, Alessandro Manni, Jianzhong Sun, Abd El-Raheem R. El-Shanshoury, El-Refaie Kenawy, Maha A. Khalil. Enhanced anaerobic digestion performance by two artificially constructed microbial consortia capable of woody biomass degradation and chlorophenols detoxification. Journal of Hazardous Materials 389 (2020)122076 (Q1; IF 10.588).
· Ali, S.S., Ahmed M. Mustafa, Michael Kornaros, Alessandro Manni, Jianzhong Sun, Maha A. Khalil. Construction of novel microbial consortia CS-5 and BC-4 valued for the degradation of catalpa sawdust and chlorophenols simultaneously with enhancing methane production. Bioresource Technology 301 (2020) 122720 (Q1; IF 9.642).
· Ali, S.S.*, Rania Al-Tohamy, Rongrong Xie, Mostafa M. El-Sheekh, Jianzhong Sun. Construction of a new lipase- and xylanase-producing oleaginous yeast consortium capable of reactive azo dye degradation and detoxification. Bioresource Technology 313 (2020) 123631 (Q1; IF 9.642).
· Gabriel Murillo Morales, Ali, S.S., Haibing Si, Weimin Zhang, Rongxian Zhang, Keyvan Hosseini, Jianzhong Sun, Daochen Zhu. Acidic Versus Alkaline Bacterial Degradation of Lignin Through Engineered Strain E. coli BL21 (Lacc): Exploring the Differences in Chemical Structure, Morphology, and Degradation Products. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8 (2020) 671 (Q1; IF 5.890). doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2020.00671
· Yongli Wang, Jianzhong Sun, Ali, S.S., Lu Gao, Xingnan Ni, Xia Li, Yanfang Wu, Jianxiong Jiang. Identification and expression analysis of Sorghum bicolor gibberellin oxidase genes with varied gibberellin levels involved in regulation of stem biomass. Industrial Crops & Products 145 (2020) 111951 (Q1; IF 5.645).
· Rania Al-Tohamy, El-Refaie Kenawy, Jianzhong Sun, Ali, S.S.*. Performance of a Newly Isolated Salt-Tolerant Yeast Strain Sterigmatomyces halophilus SSA-1575 for Azo Dye Decolorization and Detoxification. Frontiers in Microbiology 11 (2020) 1163 (Q1; IF 5.640). doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01163
· Rania Al‑Tohamy, Jianzhong Sun, Mervat F. Fareed, El‑Refaie Kenawy, Ali, S.S.*. Ecofriendly biodegradation of Reactive Black 5 by newly isolated Sterigmatomyces halophilus SSA1575, valued for textile azo dye wastewater processing and detoxification. Scientific Reports 10 (2020) 12370 (Q1; IF 4.379).
· Nessma A. El Zawawy, Rania A. El-Shenody, Ali, S.S., Mohamed El-Shetehy. A novel study on the inhibitory effect of marine macroalgal extracts on hyphal growth and biofilm formation of candidemia isolates Scientific Reports 10 (2020) 9339 (Q1; IF 4.379).
· Ali, S.S.*, Fatma I. Sonbol, Jianzhong Sun, Mohamed A. Hussein, Abd-Elsalam E. Hafez, Esraa A. Abdelkarim, Michael Kornaros, Asmaa Ali, Maha Azab. Molecular characterization of virulence and drug resistance genes-producing Escherichia coli isolated from chicken meat: Metal oxide nanoparticles as novel antibacterial agents. Microbial Pathogenesis 143 (2020) 104164 (Q3; IF 3.638).
· Ali, S.S.*, Nessma A. El-Zawawy, Rania Al-Tohamy, Shimaa El-Sapagh, Ahmed M. Mustafa, Jianzhong Sun. Lycium shawii Roem. & Schult.: A new bioactive antimicrobial and antioxidant agent to combat multi-drug/pan-drug resistant pathogens of wound burn infections. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 10 (2020) 13-25.
· Wagih A. El-Shouny, Ali, S.S.*, Hegazy M. Hegazy, Manar K. Abd Elnabi, Asmaa Ali, Jianzhong Sun. Syzygium aromaticum L.: Traditional herbal medicine against cagA and vacA toxin genes-producing drug resistant Helicobacter pylori. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 10 (2020) 366-377.
· Metwally A. Metwally, Ali, S.S.*, Ismail A. Khatab, Mohamed Khairy El-Sayed. Antibacterial Potential of some Seaweeds Species to Combat Biofilm-producing Multi-drug Resistant Staphylococcus aureus of Nile Tilapia. Egypt. J. Bot. 60 (2020) 9-24. DOI: 10.21608/ejbo.2019.6829.1275
· Ali, S.S.*, Rania Al-Tohamy, Alessandro Manni, Fabio Codignole Luz, Tamer Elsamahy, Jianzhong Sun. Enhanced digestion of bio-pretreated sawdust using a novel bacterial consortium: Microbial community structure and methane-producing pathways. Fuel 254 (2019) 115604 (Q1; IF 5.578).
· Ali, S.S.*, Rania Al-Tohamy, Jianzhong Sun, Jian Wu, Liu Huizi. Screening and construction of a novel microbial consortium SSA-6 enriched from the gut symbionts of wood-feeding termite, Coptotermes formosanus and its biomass-based biorefineries, Fuel 236 (2019) 1128-1145 (Q1; IF 5.578).
· Ali, S.S.*, El-Refaie Kenawy, Fatma I. Sonbol, Jianzhong Sun, Marwa Al-Etewy, Asmaa Ali, Liu Huizi, Nessma A. El-Zawawy. Pharmaceutical potential of a novel chitosan derivative Schiff base with special reference to antibacterial, anti-Biofilm, antioxidant, anti-Inflammatory, hemocompatibility and cytotoxic activities, Pharmaceutical Research 36 (2019) 5 (Q1; IF 3.42).
· Wagih A. El-Shouny, Mohamed S. Moawad, Ashraf S. Haider, Ali, S.S.*, Somaia Nouh. Antibacterial Potential of a Newly Synthesized Zinc Peroxide Nanoparticles (ZnO2-NPs) to Combat Biofilm-Producing Multi-Drug Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Egyptian Journal of Botany 59 (2019) 1-13. DOI: 10.21608/ejbo.2019.7062.1277
· Gabriel Murillo, Ali, S.S.*, Jianzhong Sun, Yunjun Yan, Pietro Bartocci, Nessma El-Zawawy, Maha Azab, Yaojia He, Francesco Fantozzi.Ultrasonic emulsification assisted immobilized Burkholderia cepacia lipase catalyzed transesterification of soybean oil for biodiesel production in a novel reactor design, Renewable Energy 135 (2019) 1025-1034 (Q1; IF 6.274).
· Gabriel Murillo, Yaojia He, Yunjun Yan, Jianzhong Sun, Pietro Bartocci, Ali, S.S., Francesco Fantozzi. Scaled-up biodiesel synthesis from Chinese Tallow Kernel oil catalyzed by Burkholderia cepacia lipase through ultrasonic assisted technology: A nonedible and alternative source of bio energy. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 58 (2019) 104658 (Q1; IF 6.513).
· Ali, S.S.*, Jianzhong Sun. Effective thermal pretreatment of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) for the enhancement of biomethanation: VIT® gene probe technology for microbial community analysis with special reference to methanogenic Archaea. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 102853 (Q1; IF 4.300).
· Ali, S.S.*, Afaf A. Neseem, Jianzhong Sun, Xia Li. The effects of water hyacinth pretreated digestate on Lupinus termis L. seedlings under salinity stress: a complementary study. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103159 (Q2; IF 4.300).
· El-Refaie Kenawy, Ali, S.S.*, Marwa Al-Etewy, Jianzhong Sun, Jian Wu, Nessma El-Zawawy. Synthesis, characterization and biomedical applications of a novel Schiff base on methyl acrylate-functionalized chitosan bearing p- nitrobenzaldehyde groups. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 122 (2019) 833–843 (Q1; IF 5.162).
· Guang-Hua Mao, Zhe-Han Zhang, Fan Fei, Yang-Yang Ding, Wei-Jie Zhang, Hui Chen, Ali, S.S., Ting Zhao, Wei-Wei Feng, and Xiang-YangWu, Liu-Qing Yang. Effect of Grifola frondosa polysaccharide on anti-tumor activity in combination with 5-Fu in Heps-bearing mice. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 121 (2019) 930–935 (Q1; IF 5.162).
· Ali, S.S.*, Rania Al-Tohamy, Jianzhong Sun, Jian Wu, Miao Huang. The role of gut symbionts from termites: a unique hidden player from yeasts (Review). Acta Microbiologica Sinica 58 (2018) 1-12. DOI: 10.13343/j.cnki.wsxb.20170610
· Gabriel Murillo, Ali, S.S.*, Jianzhong Sun, Yunjun Yan, Pietro Bartocci, Yaojia He. Evaluation of the kinematic viscosity in biodiesel production with waste vegetable oil, ultrasonic irradiation and enzymatic catalysis: A comparative study in two-reactors. Fuel 227 (2018) 448–456 (Q1; IF 5.128).
· Wagih A. El-Shouny, Ali, S.S.*, Jianzhong Sun, Sara M. Samy, and Asmaa Ali. Drug resistance profile and molecular characterization of extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESβL)-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from burn wound infections. Essential oils and their potential for utilization. Microbial Pathogenesis 116 (2018) 301–312 (Q3; IF 2.581).
· Rania Al-Tohamy, Ali, S.S.*, Khalil Saad-Allah, Mervat Fareed, Asmaa Ali, Anwer El-Badry, Nessma A. El-Zawawy, Jian Wu, Jianzhong Sun, Guang-Hua Mao, Parveen Rupani. Phytochemical analysis and assessment of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of some medicinal plant species from Egyptian flora, Journal of Applied Biomedicine 16 (2018) 289-300 (Q4; IF 1.573).
· Ali, S.S., Abd El-Fatah Abomohra, and Jianzhong Sun. Effective bio-pretreatment of sawdust waste with a novel microbial consortium for enhanced biomethanation. Bioresource Technology 238 (2017) 425–432 (Q1; IF 5.807).
· Ali, S.S.*, Reda Morsy, Nessma A. El-Zawawy, Mervat F. Fareed, and Mohamed Y. Bedaiwy. Synthesized zinc peroxide nanoparticles (ZnO2-NPs): a novel antimicrobial, anti-elastase, anti-keratinase, and anti-inflammatory approach toward polymicrobial burn wounds. International Journal of Nanomedicine 12 (2017) 6059–6073 (Q1; IF 4.370).
· Ali, S.S.*, Jian Wu, Rongrong Xie, Feng Zhou, Jianzhong Sun, and Miao Huang. Screening and characterizing of xylanolytic and xylose-fermenting yeasts isolated from the wood-feeding termite, Reticulitermes chinenesis. PLoS ONE 12 (2017) e0181141 (Q1; IF 2.766).
· Reda Morsy, Ali, S.S., and Mohamed El-Shetehy. Development of hydroxyapatite-chitosan gel sunscreen combating clinical multidrug-resistant bacteria. Journal of Molecular Structure 1143 (2017) 251-258 (Q3; IF 2.011).
· Reham Ebaid, Elhussainy Elhussainy, Safinaz El-Shourbagy, Ali, S.S.*, and Abd El-Fatah Abomohra. Protective effect of Arthrospira platensis against liver injury induced by copper nanoparticles. Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine 17 (2017) 203-210. DOI 10.1007/s13596-017-0264-z
· Wagih A. El-Shouny, Ali, S.S.*, and Alsayed M. Alnabarawy. In vitro Antibacterial Potential of Rosa Damascena and Terminalia Chebula against Bacterial Peritonitis. Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Health Sciences 5 (2016), 40-49.
· Wagih A. El-Shouny, Ali, S.S.*, and Shymaa F. Fayed. The antibacterial activity of Nigella sativa against multidrug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from diabetic wound infections. MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology 2 (2016) 113-134.
· Shimaa M. El Shafay, Ali, S.S.*, and Mostafa M. El-Sheekh. Antimicrobial activity of some seaweeds species from Red sea, against multidrug resistant bacteria. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 42 (2016) 65–74.
· Ali, S.S.*, Mohamed T. Shaaban, Abd El-Fatah Abomohra, and Khairy El-Safity. Macroalgal activity against multiple drug resistant Aeromonas hydrophila: A novel treatment study towards enhancement of fish growth performance. Microbial Pathogenesis 101 (2016) 89-95.
· Nessma A. El-Zawawy, Ali, S.S.*. Pyocyanin as anti-tyrosinase and anti tinea corporis: A novel treatment study. Microbial Pathogenesis 100 (2016) 213-220.
· Nessma A. El Zawawy, and Ali, S.S. Anti-proteolytic activity of Ganoderma lucidum methanol extract against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 10 (2016) 1020-1024. doi:10.3855/jidc.6929
· Ali, S.S.*, and Jianzhong Sun. Physico‑chemical pretreatment and fungal biotreatment for park wastes and cattle dung for biogas production. SpringerPlus 4 (2015) 712. DOI 10.1186/s40064-015-1466-9
· Wagih A. El-Shouny, Ali, S.S.*, and Somaia S. Nouh. Drug resistance and virulence potential of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from ocular infections. Egyptian Journal of Botany, special issue for the 5th International Conference of Botany & Microbiological Sciences (2015) 529-544.
· Anwer S. El-Badry, and Ali, S.S.*. Essential oils: A promising remedy against fungal and bacterial human keratitis. Egyptian Journal of Botany, special issue for the 5th International Conference of Botany & Microbiological Sciences (2015), 403-431.
· Nessma A. El Zawawy, and Ali, S.S. Ganoderma lucidum: A Novel Study for Inhibiting Protease Virulence Weapon of Multiple Drug Resistant and Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Pseudomonas aeruginosa Clinical Isolate. Journal of Advances in Biology 7 (2015) 1221-1229.
· Fatma I. Sonbol, Maha A. Khalil, Abdelfattah M. Badr, and Ali, S.S. Correlation between antibiotic resistance and virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 45 (2015), 45 (3): 568-577 (Q4; IF 0.7). doi:10.3906/sag-1406-58
· Maha A. Khalil, Fatma I. Sonbol, Abdelfattah M. Badr, and Ali, S.S. Comparative study of virulence factors among ESβLs producers and non producers Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences (2015), 45 (1): 60-69. (Q4; IF 0.7). doi:10.3906/sag-1311-102
· Ali, S.S.*, Wagih A. El-Shouny, and Tamer S. El-Samahy. Biological pre-treatment of cellulosic biomass for optimization of biogas production. Presented in 11th International Conference on Future Horizon for Sustainable Environmental Development and Facing Challenges in Arab Countries. Journal of Egyptian Academic Society for Environmental Development 15 (2014) 83-95.
· Ali, S.S.*, Anwer S. El-Badry, and Maha A. Khalil. Bee honey and green tea as alternative regimes for healing of skin infections, involving multi drug resistant pathogens. Egyptian Journal of Botany, special issue for the 4th International Conference of Botany & Microbiological Sciences (2014), 201-222
v Sameh S. Ali, Darwesh, O.M., Kornaros, M., Al-Tohamy, R., Manni, A., El-Shanshoury, A.E.R.R., Metwally, M.A., Elsamahy, T. and Sun, J. Nano-biofertilizers: Synthesis, advantages, and applications. Biofertilizers (2021) 359-370.
v Sameh S. Ali, Kornaros, M., Manni, A., Al-Tohamy, R., El-Shanshoury, A.E.R.R., Matter, I.M., Elsamahy, T., Sobhy, M. and Sun, J. Advances in microorganisms-based biofertilizers: Major mechanisms and applications. Biofertilizers (2021) 371-385.
v Osama M. Darwesh, Sameh S. Ali, Ibrahim A. Matter, Tamer Elsamahy. Nanotextiles waste management: controlling of release and remediation of wastes. Nanosensors and Nanodevices for Smart Multifunctional Textiles (2021) 267-286.
v Osama M. Darwesh, Sameh S. Ali, Matter, I.A., Elsamahy, T. and Mahmoud, Y.A., 2020. Enzymes immobilization onto magnetic nanoparticles to improve industrial and environmental applications. C.V. Kumar (Ed.), nanoarmoring of enzymes with carbon nanotubes and magnetic nanoparticles, METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY (2020) 630, 481-502
2019 | ISR19, 5th International Scientific Research conference: Renewable Energy & Water Sustainability, 26-29 March, 2019, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt |
2016 | International Conference on Metabolic Science held at Nanjiao Hotel, Shanghai, China (20-23 October, 2016). |
2016 | 4th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG) held at Rumah Kelab PAMU Clubhouse (Persatuan Alumni University Malaya), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (21-22 July, 2016). |
2015 | 22nd Tri-U International Joint Seminar and Symposium, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China (18-23 October, 2015). |
2015 | The Fifth International Conference on Biotechnological applications and their relations to food and drugs in Botany and Microbiology Sciences held at Botany Department, Faculty of Science-Zagazig University in cooperation with the Egyptian Botanical Society (15-16 April, 2015). |
2015 | Workshop of '' Biodigesters Designing'' at Faculty of Science, Tanta University on 3 May, 2015. |
2015 | Training course '' Biogas Production'' at Faculty of Science, Tanta University on 10-12 May, 2015. |
2015 | Workshop of '' Organic Wastes Utilization Techniques'' at Faculty of Science, Tanta University on 23 March, 2015. |
2015 | Workshopof '' Organic Wastes Pretreatment Techniques'' at Faculty of Science, Tanta University on 1 April, 2015. |
2015 | Workshop of '' Bacterial Isolation and Cultivation Techniques'' at Faculty of Science, Tanta University on 5 April, 2015. |
2015 | Workshop of ''Renewable Energy: Recycle for Change Project'' at Faculty of Science, Tanta University on March to September, 2015. |
2015 | Workshop of ''Organic Wastes Managements'' at Faculty of Science, Tanta University on 16-18 May, 2015. |
2014 | Workshop of '' Bioreactor Design'' at Faculty of Science, Tanta University on 10-11 September, 2014. |
2014 | Workshop of '' Methanogenic Bacterial Isolation and Cultivations'' at Faculty of Science, Tanta University on 11 April, 2014. |
2014 | Workshop of '' Biogas Purification Techniques'' at Faculty of Science, Tanta University on 11 August, 2014. |
2014 | Workshop of '' Soil Macro- and Micro- Nutrients'' at Faculty of Science, Tanta University on 11 October, 2014. |
2014 | '' Biogas and Organic Fertilizer Production Project'' at Faculty of Science, Tanta University on February to November, 2014. |
2014 | Training course of '' Biogas Digesters: Types and Design'' at Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta on 17-20 March 2014. |
2014 | 11th International Conference on Future Horizon for Sustainable Environmental Development and Facing Challenges in Arab Countries. Hurghada (20-23 December, 2014). |
2014 | ''Scientific Thinking and Argumentation Skills for Problem Solving'' of the future domain '' Academic Skills'' within the DAAD Kairo Akademie on 29 September 2014 at the premises of Tanta University. |
2014 | The Fourth International Conference on Botany and Microbiological Sciences. Botany Department, Faculty of Science-Suez Canal University, Ismailia, in cooperation with the Egyptian Botanical Society (23-24 April, 2014). |
2014 | The First Annual Conference of The Center of Excellence in Cancer Research (CECR) "Next Generation Cancer Research &Diagnosis" Tanta University, Egypt (24 February, 2014). |
2014 | The Tenth Annual International Conference of Egyptian Society for Experimental Biology (ESEB). Cairo University Conference Center, (20-25 February, 2014). |
2012 | The Seventh International Conference on Biological Sciences. Faculty of Science- Tanta University, Tanta-Egypt (5-6 December 2012). |
2010 | The Sixth International Conference on Biological Sciences. Faculty of Science- Tanta University, Tanta-Egypt (10-11 November 2010). |