李明,博士,副研究员/副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事环境、农业、食品、健康等风险因子的分子识别和生物传感分析研究,在抗体制备和生物传感技术开发及现场快检产品研发等方面积累丰富经验。主持和参加国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、江苏省农业科技自主创新项目等10余项;在国际期刊Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Science of the Total Environment,Food Control,Talanta等发表论文30余篇;授权(受理)专利6项;指导本科生竞赛获国家二等奖1项,江苏省一等奖1项;获江苏省“双创计划”,江苏大学“优秀教师”,江苏大学“青年英才培育计划”等称号;获中国分析测试协会一等奖1项,江苏省科学技术二等奖1项。
[1] 风险因子生物分子识别与传感
[2] 环境污染与人类健康
[3] 现场快速检测与评估
[1] 国家自然科学基金项目(超灵敏同步检测多种真菌毒素的生物条形码免疫分析技术研究,主持)
[2] 江苏省自然科学基金项目(基于生物条形码的多种真菌毒素超灵敏同步检测技术研究,主持)
[3] 江苏省农业科技自主创新项目(谷物黄曲霉毒素残留上转换免疫检测技术研究及产品研发,技术负责人)
[4] 江苏省农业科技自主创新项目(农产品及环境中多种痕量真菌霉素全自动智能一体化快速检测关键技术研究,项目秘书)
[5] 安徽省质量基础设施标准化专项(长三角地区谷物中典型霉菌毒素的新型同步快速前处理和检测技术的标准研制,技术负责人)
[6] 江苏省“双创计划”科技副总项目(新烟碱类杀虫剂快速检测关键技术研究与产业化,主持)
[7] 中国博士后基金项目(邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯增强型绿色荧光蛋白融合抗体的制备及其应用基础研究,主持)
[8] 江苏大学高级人才科研启动项目(环境激素邻苯二甲酸酯类塑化剂免疫分析方法研究,主持)
[9] 国家自然科学基金项目(氯噻啉重链抗体亲和性和特异性关键氨基酸残基作用机理的研究,参与)
[10] 江苏省自然科学基金项目(潜在致癌物质硝基呋喃代谢物广谱性抗体的研制及新型免疫分析方法研究,参与)
[11] 江苏大学“青年英才培育计划”–“优秀青年骨干教师”项目(主持)
[12] 国家专利技术转让项目(一种黄曲霉素B1免疫快速检测装置和检测方法,主持)
[13] 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新项目(噻虫胺免疫分析方法研究,主持)
[33] Ming Li, Youxin Qiu, Guoxing Liu, Yu Xiao, Ye Tian, Song Fang. Plasmonic colorimetry and G-quadruplex fluorescence-based aptasensor: A dual-mode, protein-free and label-free detection for OTA. Food Chemistry, 2024, 488, 139115. (First author)
[32] Ming Li, Weipeng Teng, Wenying Lu, Mingna Sun, Jinsheng Duan, Xuchun Qiu. Exo I-based cyclic digestion coupled with synergistic enhancement strategy for integrating dual-mode optical aptasensor platform. Talanta, 2024, 276, 126286. (First author)
[31] Ming Li, Wenying Lu, Yuhao Mao, Xuchun Qiu, Daolin Du. An enhanced immunochromatography assay based on gold growth on the surface of E. coli carrier for the simultaneous detection of mycotoxins. Talanta, 2023, 251, 123798. (First author)
[30] Wenying Lu, Ye Tian, Weipeng Teng, Xuchun Qiu, Ming Li*. Plasmonic colorimetric immunosensor based on Poly-HRP and AuNS etching for tri-modal readout of small molecule. Talanta, 2023, 265, 124883. (Corresponding author)
[29] Chenfei Han, Yu Xiao, Zhenjiang Liu, Daolin Du, Ming Li*. Cascade amplifying aptasensor for positively correlated detecting OTA: Based on DNase I-assisted cyclic enzyme digestion and AgNPs@gel-enhanced fluorescence. Food Control, 2023, 153, 109970. (Corresponding author)
[28] Youxin Qiu, Zhaoying Liu, Yuhao Mao, Weipeng Teng, Ming Li*. DNA-bridged double gold nanoparticles-based immunochromatography for dual-mode detection of ochratoxin A. Journal of Food Science, 2023, 88, 4316–4326. (Corresponding author)
[27] Ming Li, Chenfei Han, Chuqin Yang, Mingna Sun, Jinsheng Duan, Xuchun Qiu, Daolin Du. Ultrasensitive fluorometric oligonucleotide immunoassay for simultaneous and efficient detection of two mycotoxins in agricultural products. Analytical Methods, 2022, 14, 2108–2116. (First author)
[26] Xia Hong, Yin Cui, Ming Li*, Yifan Xia, Daolin Du, Chengwu Yi. Butyl benzyl phthalate in urban sewage by magnetic-based immunoassay: environmental levels and risk assessment. Biosensors, 2022, 12, 45. (Corresponding author)
[25] Zhi Li, Chuqin Yang, Wenying Lu, Zhaohui Chu, Jingwen Zhang, Ming Li*, Qingjiang Wang. Ultrasensitive immuno-PCR for detecting aflatoxin B1 based on magnetic separation and barcode DNA. Food Control, 2022, 138, 109028. (Corresponding author)
[24] Ming Li, Xia Hong, Xuchun Qiu, Chuqin Yang, Yuhao Mao, Yan Li, Zhenjiang Liu, Daolin Du. Ultrasensitive monitoring strategy of PCR-like levels for zearalenone contamination based DNA barcode. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2021, 101, 4490–4497. (First author)
[23] Yuhao Mao, Mingna Sun, Xia Hong, Sagnik Chakraborty, Jinsheng Duan, Ming Li*, Daolin Du. Semi-quantitative and quantitative detection of ochratoxin A in agricultural by-products using a self-assembly immunochromatographic strip. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2021, 101, 1659–1665. (Corresponding author)
[22] Yanhong Shi, Chen Chen, Ming Li, Lei Liu, Kejun Dong, Kun Chen, Xuchun Qiu. Oral exposure to tributyltin induced behavioral abnormality and oxidative stress in the eyes and brains of Juvenile Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes). Antioxidants, 2021, 10, 1647. (Joint author)
[21] Xia Hong, Yuhao Mao, Chuqin Yang, Zhenjiang Liu, Ming Li*, Daolin Du. Contamination of zearalenone from China in 2019 by a visual and digitized immunochromatographic assay. Toxins, 2020, 12, 521. (Corresponding author)
[20] Min Wu, Xuchun Qiu, Chen Chen, Kun Chen, Ming Li, Hai Xu, Xiangyang Wu, Yohei Shimasaki, Yuji Oshima. Short-term and persistent impacts of sublethal exposure to diazepam on behavioral traits and brain GABA levels in juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio). Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 740, 140392. (Joint author)
[19] Kunal Roy, Anupam Mukherjee, Naga Raju Maddela, Sagnik Chakraborty, Boxiong Shen, Ming Li, Daolin Du, Yuan Peng, Fengju Lu, Luz Cecilia García Cruzatty. Outlook on the bottleneck of carbon nanotube in desalination and membrane-based water treatment-A review. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2020, 8, 103572. (Joint author)
[18] Ming Li, Chuqin Yang, Yuhao Mao, Xia Hong, Daolin Du. Zearalenone contamination in corn, corn products, and swine feed in China in 2016-2018 as assessed by magnetic bead immunoassay. Toxins, 2019, 11, 451. (First author)
[17] Ming Li, Yin Cui, Zhenjiang Liu, Yonglai Xue, Rujin Zhao, Yong Li, Daolin Du. Sensitive and selective determination of butyl benzyl phthalate from environmental samples using an enzyme immunoassay. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 687, 849–857. (First author)
[16] Ming Li, Mingna Sun, Xia Hong, Jinsheng Duan, Daolin Du. Survey of deoxynivalenol contamination in agricultural products in the Chinese market using an ELISA kit. Toxins, 2019, 11, 6. (First author)
[15] Ming Li, Yuanyuan Zhang, Rujin Zhao, Zhenjiang Liu, Xia Hong, Yin Cui, Yonglai Xue, Daolin Du. Immunomagnetic bead-based biotin-streptavidin system for highly efficient detection of aflatoxin B1 in agricultural products. RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 26029–26035. (First author)
[14] Ming Li, Yonglai Xue , Zhenjiang Liu, Jin Guo, Liyun Liu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Lu Gao, Lizhao Wang, Yin Cui, Daolin Du. Toxic effect and mechanism of four ionic liquids on seedling taproots of Arabidopsis thaliana. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25, 14703–14712. (First author)
[13] Yuanyuan Zhang#, Ming Li#, Xia Hong, Yin Cui, Daolin Du. Using of tyramine signal amplification strategy to improve the sensitivity of ELISA for aflatoxin B1 in edible oil samples. Food Analytical Methods, 2018, 11, 2553–2560. (Co-first author)
[12] Ming Li, Yuanyuan Zhang, Yonglai Xue, Xia Hong, Yin Cui, Zhenjiang Liu, Daolin Du. Simultaneous determination of β2-agonists clenbuterol and salbutamol in water and swine feed samples by dual-labeled time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay. Food Control, 2017, 73, 1039–1044. (First author)
[11] Zhenjiang Liu, Xi Wei, Hai Xu, Ming Li, Gangbing Zhu, Yonglai Xue, Zhen Zhang, Guanda Zhao, Daolin Du. Sensitive detection of thiacloprid in environmental and food samples by enhanced chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 29460–29465. (Joint author)
[10] Zhenjiang Liu, Zhen Zhang, Gangbing Zhu, Jianfan Sun, Bin Zou, Ming Li, Jiagao Wang. Rapid screening of flonicamid residues in environmental and agricultural samples by a sensitive enzyme immunoassay. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 551–552, 484–488. (Joint author)
[9] Ming Li, Ming Ma, Xiude Hua, Haiyan Shi, Qiuxia Wang, Minghua Wang. Quantum dots-based fluoroimmunoassay for the simultaneous detection of clothianidin and thiacloprid in environmental and agricultural samples. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 3039–3044. (First author)
[8] Yulong Yuan, Xiude Hua, Ming Li, Wei Yin, Haiyan Shi, Minghua Wang. Development of a sensitive indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on the monoclonal antibody for the detection of benzothiostrobin residue. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 24406–24411. (Joint author)
[7] Ming Li, Enze Sheng, Yulong Yuan, Xiaofeng Liu, Xiude Hua, Minghua Wang. Sensitive time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay for quantitative determination of clothianidin in agricultural samples. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21, 5803–5809. (First author)
[6] Ming Li, Xiaofeng Liu, Xiude Hua, Wei Yin, Qingkui Fang, Minghua Wang. Fluorescence polarization immunoassay for highly efficient detection of clothianidin in agricultural samples. Analytical Methods, 2014, 6, 6541–6547. (First author)
[5] Xiude Hua, Wei Yin, Haiyan Shi, Ming Li, Yanru Wang, Hong Wang, Yonghao Ye, Hee Joo Kim, Shirley J. Gee, Minghua Wang, Fengquan Liu, Bruce D. Hammock. Development of phage immuno-loop-mediated isothermal amplification assays for organophosphorus pesticides in agro-products. Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 8441–8447. (Joint author)
[4] Zhenjiang Liu, Ming Li, Haiyan Shi, Minghua Wang. Development and evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the determination of thiacloprid in agricultural samples. Food Analytical Methods, 2013, 6, 691–697. (Joint author)
[3] Mengmeng Cao, Ming Li, Xu Yan, Minghua Wang. Stereoselectivity of an enzyme-linked, immunosorbent assay for S-bioallethrin. Analytical Methods, 2012, 4, 534–538. (Joint author)
[2] Ming Li, Xiude Hua, Ming Ma, Jisong Liu, Liangliang Zhou, Minghua Wang. Detecting clothianidin residues in environmental and agricultural samples using rapid, sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and gold immunochromatographic assay. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 499, 1–6. (First author)
[1] Ming Li, Enze Sheng, Lujing Cong, Minghua Wang. Development of immunoassays for detecting clothianidin residue in agricultural products. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61, 3619–3623. (First author)
[1] 李明,张媛媛,崔银,杜道林.一种黄曲霉毒素B1免疫快速检测装置和检测方法.(发明专利, 201710497684.4, 授权,转化)
[2] 夏一帆.智能化便携式真菌毒素快检系统V1.0. (软件著作, 2022SR0121047,指导教师:李明,授权)
[3] 李明,肖宇,韩陈飞,吴桂竹,杜道林. 一组发夹 DNA 组合及无酶等温扩增检测 OTA 的方法. (发明专利, 2023111454280)
[4] 李明,滕维鹏,路文英,薛永来,杜道林.一种三驱动增强型适体双模式分析 ZEN 的方法.(发明专利, 2023111454276)
[5] 李明,杜道林,张媛媛,崔银.两组邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯半抗原的合成方法. (发明专利, 201610899420.7)
[6] 王鸣华,李明,施海燕.噻虫胺抗原、抗体及其应用. (发明专利, 201210363827.X)
[1] 中国分析测试协会科学技术奖(CAIA奖)一等奖,2023年
[2] 全国大学生生命科学竞赛国家级赛二等奖/江苏赛区一等奖,2022年
[3] 江苏省科学技术二等奖,2020年
[4] 江苏大学“青年英才培育计划”–“优秀青年骨干教师”,2019年
[5] 江苏大学“优秀教师”,2018年
[6] 江苏省“双创计划”科技副总,2017年
[7] 南京农业大学优秀博士毕业研究生,2015年
[1] 研究生:张媛媛、崔银、洪霞、杨楚琴、茅瑜皓、夏一帆、路文英、韩陈飞、田野、邱友鑫、肖宇、滕维鹏、刘国兴、程长安;均发表高质量研究论文,并获得多项奖励荣誉。
[2] 科研导师,学业导师(安工2303);获批省级大创项目4项,优秀结题1项。
[1] 地址:江苏省镇江市学府路301号江苏大学环境与安全工程学院(212013)
[2] 邮箱:liming@ujs.edu.cn;liminglmlm@126.com
[3] 微信(WeChat):