
时间:2023-03-29  来源:  作者:   点击数:




地址:江苏大学 环境与安全工程学院 安全工程系


1) 防隔热材料

2) 耐高温吸波材料

3) 阻燃材料




[1] 材料导报、Nanotechnology、Emergency Management Science and Technology等期刊审稿人。

[2] 江苏省科技副总

[3] 南京市专家库成员

[4] 常熟理工学院校外指导教师、滨州学院兼职教授


[1] 江苏省产学研项目,主持,结题

[2] 轻质隔热材料的设计与研发,主持,在研

[3] 热工仪表高低温环境下性能检测技术及变化机理研究,参与,在研

[4] 超薄防火隔热材料研发,主持,结题

[5] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(51408306),参与,结题

[6] 教育部产学协同育人项目(230803436045049),主持,在研

[7] 教育部产学协同育人项目(231005275171243),参与,在研


[1] Wang Zhan, et al. Effects of silica aerogel particles on performance of the coatings for new energy vehicle battery packs. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2024.

[2] Wang Zhan, et al. Biomaterials in intumescent fire-retardant coatings: A review. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2024.

[3] Wang Zhan, et al. Effects of biomaterial on the properties of waterborne intumescent fireproof coatings. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2024.

[4] Wang Zhan, et al. The synthesis and polymer-reinforced mechanical properties of SiO2 aerogels: A review. Molecules, 2023.

[5]展望,等. SiO2气凝胶力学性能增强研究进展. 复合材料学报. 2023. (EI

[6] Wang Zhan, et al. Effects of bagasse fiber as the renewable environmentally friendly material on the properties of the waterborne intumescent fireproof coating. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2022.

[7] Wang Zhan, et al. Synergistic fireproof effect of graphene and carbon nanotubes in fire resistive coating. Powder Technology, 2021.

[8] Wang Zhan, et al. Effects of carbon materials on fire protection and smoke suppression of waterborne intumescent coating. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2020.

[9] Wang Zhan, et al. Influences of surface area of graphene on fire protection of waterborne intumescent fire resistive coating. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2020.

[10] Wang Zhan, et al. Influences of film forming materials on the performance of graphene fire resistive coating. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2021.

[11] Wang Zhan, et al. Influence of graphene on fire protection of intumescent fire retardant coating for steel structure. Energy Reports, 2020.


[1] 蒋军成; 展望; 潘勇; 倪磊; 一种水性超薄钢结构防火涂料及其制备方法, 授权时间:2022-5-20, 中国, ZL 202010612704.X.

[2] 蒋军成; 展望; 倪磊; 一种防火涂料性能测试装置, 授权时间:2021-1-5, 中国, ZL 202021793041.8.

[3] 展望; 谢海; 李丽霞; 孔庆红; 任贤萍; 胡明; 陈明毅; 赵媛媛, 一种高温环境下水性钢结构防火涂料热-力耦合试验测试装置, 专利申请号:202311358034.3.


电话:0511-88790955 邮箱:hjxy@ujs.edu.cn


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