本人主要从事环境因素对人体健康效应;纳米颗粒物与大气颗粒物的人体生物学分布以及健康建筑的可持续发展研究。已作为项目负责人(PI)主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,作为项目技术骨干重点参与国家自然科学基金面上项目多项等。目前以第1作者/通讯作者发表8篇SCI论文,1个英文专著章节, 其中包括2篇中科院1区Top论文(Journal of Hazardous Materials, IF=14.224; Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, IF=7.129)。目前担任SCI期刊Frontiers in Public Health (JCR1区,IF=6.461)青年编委,受邀Environmental Research、 Int J Environmental Health Research审稿人。
1.Deng LJ, Yongsheng Ma, Ping Ma, Yang Wu, Xu Yang, Qihong Deng,Toxic effect of cooking oil fume (COF) on lungs: Evidence of endoplasmic reticulum stress in rat, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2021,112463,(SCI,中科院毒理学1区TOP,2022IF=7.129,)
2.Deng LJ, Deng Q , 2019,High and low temperatures aggravate airway inflammation of asthma: evidence in a mouse model, Environmental Pollution, 256: 113433.( SCI,中科院2区TOP,2022IF=9.988)
3.Deng LJ, Liu H, Ma Y, et al. 2019. Endocytosis mechanism in physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling of nanoparticles. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 2019, 384:114765.( SCI,中科院2区,2022IF=4.460)
4.Deng LJ, Deng Q. 2018. The basic roles of indoor plants in human health and comfort. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2018; 25:36087-36101. (SCI,2022IF=5.190)
5.Deng LJ, Liu H, Deng Q. 2019. Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling of benzo(a)pyrene and the metabolite in humans of different ages. International Journal of Environmental Health Research.1-13. (SCI,2022IF=4.477)
6.Deng LJ, Zeng GM,Fan C, Lu L, Chen X, Chen M, et al. 2015. Response of rhizosphere microbial community structure and diversity to heavy metal co-pollution in arable soil. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 99:8259-8269. (SCI,中科院2区TOP,2022IF=5.560,截止2023.2被引用119次)
7.Yongsheng Ma1, Linjing Deng1,(共同第一作者)Ping Ma, Yang Wu, Xu Yang, Qihong Deng *, 2020,In vivo respiratory toxicology of cooking oil fumes: Evidence, mechanisms and prevention,Journal of Hazardous Materials,123455 (SCI,中科院1区TOP,2022IF=14.224)
8.Xunfeng Chen1, Abdul Qadeer1⁎, Mengyang Liu1, Linjing Deng1(共同第一作者), et.al. Bioaccumulation of emerging contaminants in aquatic biota: PFAS as a case study[M]//Emerging Aquatic Contaminants. Elsevier, 2023: 347-374. (英文专著)
9.Deng Q, Deng LJ(导师一作,本人二作) , Lu C , et al. Parental stress and air pollution increase childhood asthma in China[J]. Environmental Research, 2018, 165:23-31. (SCI,中科院2区TOP,2022IF=8.431)
10.Deng Q , Deng LJ(导师一作,本人二作) , Miao Y , et al. 2019 Particle deposition in the human lung: Health implications of particulate matter from different sources[J]. Environmental Research, 169:237-245. (SCI,中科院2区TOP,2022IF=8.431) ,入选2020年主编精选Editor's Choice论文,ESI 1%论文。
11.Lu C , Deng LJ(二作) , Ou C , et al. Preconceptional and perinatal exposure to traffic-related air pollution and eczema in preschool children[J]. Journal of dermatological science, 2016, 85(2):85-95.9(SCI,2022IF=5.408) 入选2017年主编精选Editor's Choice论文