地址:江苏大学 环境与安全工程学院 环境科学与工程系 (212013)
简 况
2020.08-今 江苏大学环境与安全工程学院 资格副教授
2022.08~2023.08 国家东中西区域合作示范区(连云港徐圩新区)环保局 副局长(挂职)
2016.10~2020.03 日本名古屋大学 理学博士
2015.10~2016.08 东北师范大学留日预备学校 国家公派留学生
2014.07~2015.09 长白山生物资源与功能分子教育部重点实验室/中科院东北地理所 科研助理
2011.09~2014.06 延边大学 理学硕士
理学博士,2013年8月赴日本山形大学短期交流。2016年10月赴日攻博,师从Yoshihiro Natuhara教授(国际著名生态学家,Landsc. Ecol. Eng.主编),2020年3月毕业于日本名古屋大学(全球Top100),获理学博士学位,同年8月以“海外高层次人才”身份受聘江苏大学资格副教授,进入环境与安全工程学院环境生态与修复研究团队工作。研究成果以第一或通讯作者在Sustain. Prod. Consump., Waste Manage., Ecotox. Environ. Safe., J. Energy Storage, J. Environ. Chem. Eng., Ecol. Indic., J. Environ. Sci., Front. Env. Sci. Eng., Landsc. Ecol. Eng.等SCI期刊发表论文20余篇,其中中科院一区、二区或TOP期刊论文13篇;公开发表共同作者国内外学术论文10余篇及中文著作2部;以第一作者发表国内外学术会议论文10余篇。
1. 主持项目
[1] 江苏省科技厅产学研合作项目,2024.09-2026.09,在研,主持.
[2] 江苏香河农业开发有限公司-江苏大学产学研合作协议,2023.04-2026.04,91.8万,在研,主持.
[3] 江苏省省级高层次创新创业人才引进计划, 2021.11-2023.10,已结题,主持.
[4] 中科智清生态技术(苏州)有限公司-江苏大学产学研合作协议,2022.04-2024.06,已结题,主持.
[5] 江苏大学高级人才启动基金,2021.01-2023.12,已结题,主持.
2. 参与项目
[1] 植物入侵损害的江苏滨海湿地生态系统修复与固碳增汇协同技术基础研究(SBK2022060051),江苏省重点研发计划项目“碳达峰碳中和科技创新专项”, 2022.07-2025.06,300万,在研,研究骨干,排名:3/11.
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31800342),2019.01- 2021.12,25万,已结题,研究骨干,排名:2/10.
[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32171760),2022.01- 2025.12,58万,参与,排名:3/10.
[4] 江苏省自然科学青年基金(BK20210751),2021.07-2024.06,20万,参与,排名:3/6.
1. Abdul Rehman†, Shan Zhong†, Daolin Du, Xiaojun Zheng*, Muhammad Salim Arif, Samra Ijaz, Muhammad Raza Farooq. Unveiling the microplastics degradation and its transformative effects on soil nutrient dynamics and plant health – A systematic review. Sustain. Prod. Consump., 2025, 54: 25-42. (中科院一区TOP, IF = 10.9).
2. Xiaojun Zheng†, Ohidul Alam†, Shan Zhong*, Syed Jawad Hossen, Daolin Du. Microplastics and heavy metal emissions from healthcare waste management: A comparative life cycle assessment. Waste Manage., Accepted, 2025, (中科院一区TOP, IF = 8.8).
3. Xiaojun Zheng, Hongjun Lin, Daolin Du, Guanlin Li, Ohidul Alam*, Zheng Cheng, Xinlin Liu, Shan Jiang, Jian Li*. Remediation of heavy metals polluted soil environment: A critical review on biological approaches. Ecotox. Environ. Safe., 2024 , 284, 116883. (中科院一区TOP, IF = 6.2).
4. Xiaojun Zheng†, Zeeshan Javed†, Cheng Liu*, Aimon Tanvir, Osama Sandhu, Haoran Liu, Xiangguang Ji, Chengzhi Xing, Hua Lin, Daolin Du*. MAX-DOAS and In-situ measurements of aerosols and trace gases over Dongying, China: Insight into ozone sensitivity based on secondary HCHO. J. Environ. Sci., 2024, 135: 656-668.(中科院二区, IF = 6.9,入选ESI高被引论文).
5. Xiaojun Zheng†, Ohidul Alam†, Yiwen Zhou, Guanlin Li*, Weihong Zhu*. Heavy metals detection and removal from contaminated water: A critical review of adsorption methods. J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2024, 12, 114366. (中科院二区TOP, IF = 7.7).
6. X.J. Zheng, Y. Natuhara, J. Li*, G.L. Li, Y.Z. Du, H. Jia, Z.C. Dai, D.L. Du*, S. Zhong*, D. Qin. Effects of multiple stressors on amphibian oviposition: Landscape and local determinants in central Japan. Ecol. Indic. 2021, 128, 107824. (中科院二区TOP,IF = 7.0).
7. Ohidul Alam†, Xiaojun Zheng†, Daolin Du, Xiuchen Qiao, Longyun Dai, Jian Li, Jiaojiao Xia, Jinhui Ye, Shan Zhong*. A critical review on advances in remediation of toxic heavy metals contaminated solids by chemical processes. J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2024, 12(4),113149.(中科院二区TOP, IF = 7.7).
8. Shan Zhong, Longyun Dai, Hao Xu, Xin-Chun Yang, Xiaojun Zheng*, Shuang Wang*. Highly porous carbon with selective transformation of nitrogen groups boosts the capacitive performance through boric acid template assisted strategy. J. Energy Storage, 2024,97, 112867 . (中科院二区TOP, IF = 9.4).
9. Abdul Rehman†, Shan Zhong†, Muhmmad Reda Alic, Xiaojun Zheng*, Umair Rashid, Daolin Du. Unveiling sources, contamination, and eco-human health implications of potentially toxic metals from urban road dust. Sci. Rep.,Accepted, 2025,(中科院二区, IF = 4.6).
10. Shan Zhong, Hao Xu, Xiaojun Zheng*, Guanlin Li, Shuang Wang**. High-value conversion of invasive plant into nitrogen-doped porous carbons for high-performance supercapacitors. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol., 2024,183, 106814. (中科院二区, IF = 5.8).
11. Xiaojun Zheng†, Abdul Rehman†, Shan Zhong*, Shah Faisal, Muhammad Mahroz Hussain, Syeda Urooj Fatima, Daolin Du*. Source and Ecological Risk Assessment of Potentially Toxic Metals in Urban Riverine Sediments Using Multivariate Analytical and Statistical Tools. Land., 2025, 14, 32(中科院二区, IF = 3.2).
12. Y.M. Wu, Z.R. Leng, J. Li*, C.L. Yan, X.H. Wang, H. Jia, L.Y. Chen, S. Zhang, X.J. Zheng*, D.L. Du. Sulfur mediated heavy metal biogeochemical cycles in coastal wetlands: from sediments, rhizosphere to vegetation. Front. Env. Sci. Eng. 2022, 16(8): 102. (中科院二区,IF = 6.1).
13. Zeeshan Javed†, Muhammad Bilal†, Zhongfeng Qiu, Guanlin Li, Osama Sandhu, Khalid Mehmood,Yu Wang, Md. Arfan Ali, Cheng Liu, Yuhang Wang, Ruibin Xue, Daolin Du*,Xiaojun Zheng*. Spatiotemporal characterization of aerosols and trace gases over the Yangtze River Delta region, China: impact of trans-boundary pollution and meteorology. Environ. Sci. Eur. 2022, 34:86. (中科院二区, IF = 5.7).
14. Zheng, X.J., Natuhara, Y, Zhong, S*. Influence of midsummer drainage and agricultural modernization on the survival of Zhangixalus arboreus tadpoles in Japanese paddy fields. Environ. Sci. Pollut. R., 2021, 28(14): 18294–18299.
15. Ohidul Alam, Guanlin Li, Xiaojun Zheng*, Nasrin Sultana, Daolin Du*. The effect of green supply chain management practices in reduction of construction wastes and carbon emission in Bangladesh. J. Mater. Cycles. Waste. 2024, 26:2491-2508.
16. Xiaojun Zheng†, Zeeshan Javed†, Bing Liu, Shan Zhong, Zheng Cheng, Abdul Rehman, Daolin Du, Jian Li*. Impact of Spartina alterniflora invasion in coastal wetlands of China: boon or bane? Biology 2023, 12, 1057.
17. Zeeshan Javed, Khalid Mehmood, Cheng Liu, Xiaojun Zheng*, Chunsheng Xu, Aimon Tanvir, Muhammad Ajmal Khan, Nadeem Siddique, Daolin Du. Examining current research trends in ozone formation sensitivity: A bibliometric analysis. Processes, 2023, 11, 2240.
18. Zheng, X.J.*; Natuhara, Y. Landscape and local correlates with two green tree-frogs, Rhacophorus (Amphibia: Rhacophoridae) in different habitats, central Japan. Landsc. Ecol. Eng. 2020, 16(2): 199-206.
19. Zheng, X.J.; Fu, J.*; Ramamonjisoa, N.; Zhu, W.H.* et al. Relationship between wetland plant communities and environmental factors in the Tumen River Basin in Northeast China. Sustainability 2019, 11(6), 1559.
20. Zheng, X.J.; Sun, P.; Zhu, W.H.* et al. Landscape dynamics and driving forces of wetlands in the Tumen River Basin of China over the past 50 years. Landsc. Ecol. Eng. 2017, 13(2), 237-250 (中科院四区, IF = 2.0, 他引: 42).
21. Y. Natuhara*, X.J. Zheng. Effects of advance and retreat of agricultural landscapes on Rana japonica and R. ornativentris. Landsc. Ecol. Eng. 2022, 18(4): 493-503.
22. Ramamonjisoa N., Claire O., Zheng X. J., Kimura S (2019) Predation decreases cohort foraging activity and growth, yet increases individual size variation in prey. Evol. Ecol. 33: 233-242.
23. Tokumoto Y., Ramamonjisoa N.,Zheng X. J., Kimura S., Natuhara Y (2019) 16SrDNA sequences of 8 frog species and rhod sequences of two Pelophylax spp. in Aichi prefecture, Japan. Nagoya Biodiversity 6: 15-22. (In Japanese).
24. 郑小军. 人工智能赋能环境生态类课程教学的创新与实践[J]. 科学新生活,2024,36.
[1] 郑小军 等. 一种利用入侵植物制备超级电容器用炭电极材料的方法. 国家发明专利,申请号:202410133020.X.
[1] 江苏省双创计划-“双创博士”,2021年
[2] 江苏省第十五批科技镇长团-“优秀团员”荣誉称号,2023年
[3] 江苏省双创计划-“科技副总”人才,2024年
[4] 国家留学基金委中外合作项目_日本文部科学省博士生奖学金(全奖),2015年
[1] Ecological Indicators、《生物多样性》、Environ. Dev. Sustain.、Heliyon等国际期刊审稿人。
[1] 本科生课程:《外来生物入侵与防控技术》(校选修课)、《生物安全与防控》(校微专业课).
[2] 研究生课程:《Lectures on Environmental Science and Engineering》、《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》、《Ultra-Precision Machining Theory and Application》(双语、硕博)、《Modelling Environmental Processes》(中外合作、硕博).
[1] 博士后:Zeeshan Javed (江苏省卓博-2022年)、Ohidul Alam、Rehman Abdul (江苏省卓博-2024年).
[2] 硕士:吴月明(联合培养)、冷展睿(联合培养)、刘田龙、钱昊(联合培养)、张萌(联合培养)
[1] 第三届中国研究生“双碳”创新与创意大赛,校赛三等奖,第一指导教师 (2024).