2012-2013年在韩国Changwon National University进行博士后研究,2016-2017年于美国North Carolina State University访问学者。研究方向:基于新型识别元件的快速分析方法构建及应用,涉及装备研制、暴露风险评估、环境与健康等。已在Environmental Science &Technology、Analytical Chemistry等环境科学与工程领域的国际权威期刊发表80余篇SCI论文,主持5项国家级与多项省部级项目,作为核心成员,参与国家科技重大专项,并承担若干商业横向合作项目。曾获中国测试协会科技进步一等奖、国家环境保护科学技术二等奖、江苏省科技进步三等奖。2014年被评为江苏大学优秀教师,2015年破格为博士生导师,2019年破格为教授。为中国毒理学会分析毒理专业委员会委员、中国畜牧兽医学会兽医食品卫生学分会理事、中国化学会会员、江苏省毒理学会环毒专委会委员、江苏省分析测试协会委员。
主讲本科生必修课《环境化学基础Ⅱ》,硕士生课程《现代环境分析化学》、《现代环境科学概论》,博士生课程《现代环境化学与分析技术》,外国留学生课程《Modern Environmental Chemistry and Analytical Technology》等。
(1) Dinghui Xiong, Jie Cheng, Fengxiang Ai, Xinyu Wang, Jiaxuan Xiao, Fang Zhu, Kun Zeng, Kun Wang, Zhen Zhang*. Insight into the Sensing Behavior of DNA Probes Based on MOF-Nucleic Acid Interaction for Bioanalysis. Anal. Chem. 2023, 95, 5470-5478;
(2) Jin Wang, Kaixuan Wang, Hanyong Peng, Zhen Zhang*, Zhugen Yang, Maoyong Song, Guibin Jiang. Entropy-Driven Three-Dimensional DNA Nanofireworks for Simultaneous Real-Time Imaging of Telomerase and MicroRNA in Living Cells. Anal. Chem. 2023, 95, 4138-4146;
(3) Dali Wei, Mingwei Li, Fengxiang Ai, Kun Wang, Nuanfei Zhu, Ying Wang, Daqiang Yin*, Zhen Zhang*. Fabrication of Biomimetic Cascade Nanoreactor based on Covalent Organic Frameworks Capsule for Biosensing. Anal. Chem. 2023, 95, 29, 11052–11060;
(4) Nuanfei Zhu, Chengbin Liu, Rui Liu, Xiangheng Niu, Dinghui Xiong, Kun Wang, Daqiang Yin, Zhen Zhang*. Biomimic Nanozymes with Tunable Peroxidase-like Activity Based on the Confinement Effect of Metal–Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for Biosensing. Anal. Chem. 2022, 94, 4821-4830;
(5) Dali Wei, Dinghui Xiong, Nuanfei Zhu, Ying Wang, Xialin Hu, Biying Zhao, Jinhui Zhou, Daqiang Yin*, and Zhen Zhang*. Copper Peroxide Nanodots Encapsulated in a Metal-Organic Framework for Self-Supplying Hydrogen Peroxide and Signal Amplification of the Dual-Mode Immunoassay. Anal. Chem. 2022, 94, 12981-12989;
(6) Jian Lu, Jin Wang, Xialin Hu, Eric Gyimah, Salome Yakubu, Kun Wang, Xiangyang Wu, Zhen Zhang*An electrochemical biosensor based on tetrahedral DNA nanostructures and G-quadruplex/hemin conformation for the ultrasensitive detection of microRNA-21 in serum. Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 7353-7359;
(7) Nuanfei Zhu, Kuijing Yuan, Dinghui Xiong, Fengxiang Ai, Kun Zeng, Biying Zhao, Zhen Zhang*, Hongjun Zhao*. A high-throughput fluorescence immunoassay based on conformational locking strategy of MOFs to enhance AIE effect of CuNCs-CS for bisphenol S analysis in food samples. Chem. Eng. J. 2023, 142129;
(8) Dali Wei, Mingwei Li, Ying Wang, Nuanfei Zhu, Xialin Hu, Biying Zhao, Zhen Zhang*, Daqiang Yin*. Encapsulating gold nanoclusters into metal-organic frameworks to boost luminescence for sensitive detection of copper ions and organophosphorus pesticides. J Hazard. Mater. 2023, 441, 129890.
(9) Dali Wei, Kuijing Yuan, Fengxiang Ai, Mingwei Li, Nuanfei Zhu, Ying Wang, Kun Zeng, Daqiang Yin, Yuanqing Bu, and Zhen Zhang*. Occurrence, Spatial Distributions, and Temporal Trends of Bisphenol Analogues in an E-waste Dismantling Area: Implications for Risk Assessment. Sci. Total. Environ. 2023,867, 161498-161506.
(10) Hui Meng, Ying Wang, Ruoxi Wu, Yumo Li, Dali Wei, Mingwei Li, Nuanfei Zhu, Fang Zhu, Zhen Zhang*, Hongjun Zhao*. Identification of multi-component metal ion mixtures in complex systems using fluorescence sensor arrays. J Hazard. Mater. 2023, 455, 131546.
(11) Dinghui Xiong, Nuanfei Zhu, Fang Zhu, Salome Yakubu, Jungang Lv, Jingfu Liu, Zhen Zhang* Investigation and Risk Assessment of Dibutyl Phthalate in a Typical Region by a High-throughput Dual-signal Immunoassay. J. Hazard. Mater. 2022, 425, 127991;
(12) Daohan Ge, Mingwei Li, Dali Wei, Nuanfei Zhu, Ying Wang, Mengfan Li, Zhen Zhang*, Hongjun Zhao*. Enhanced activity of enzyme encapsulated in hydrophilic metal-organic framework for biosensing. Chem. Eng. J., 2023, 469, 144067.
(13) Dali Wei, Ying Wang, Nuanfei Zhu, Jiaxuan Xiao, Xuesong Li, Ting Xu, Xialin Hu, Zhen Zhang*, Daqiang Yin* A Lab-in-a-Syringe Device Integrated with a Smartphone Platform: Colorimetric and Fluorescent Dual-Mode Signals for On-Site Detection of Organophosphorus Pesticides. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 41, 48643–48652;
(14) Zhen Zhang, Kun Zeng, Jing-fu Liu, Immunochemical detection of emerging organic contaminants in environmental waters. Trend. Anal. Chem. 2017, 87, 49-57;
(15) Zhen Zhang, Jingfu Liu, Ting-ting Feng, Yan Yao, Lihong Gao, Gui-Bin Jiang. Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay as an advantageous analytical method for assessing the total concentration and environmental risk of fluoroquinolones in surface waters. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013, 47, 454-462;
(16) Zhen Zhang, Jingfu Liu, Xiaoqiang Cai, Weiwei Jiang, Wenru Luo and Guibin Jiang. Sorption to dissolved humic acid and its impacts on the toxicity of imidazolium based ionic liquids. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 1688-1694;
(17) Nuanfei Zhu, Xuesong Li, Ye Liu, Jingfu Liu, Yawei Wang, Xiangyang Wu, Zhen Zhang* Dual amplified ratiometric fluorescence ELISA based on G-quadruplex/hemin DNAzyme using tetrahedral DNA nanostructure as scaffold for ultrasensitive detection of dibutyl phthalate in aquatic system. Sci. Total Environ. 2021, 784, 147212;
(18) Hui Meng, Nannan Yao, Kun Zeng, Nuanfei Zhu, Yue Wang, Biying Zhao, Zhen Zhang* A Novel Enzyme-Free Ratiometric Fluorescence Immunoassay Based on Silver Nanoparticles for the Detection of Dibutyl Phthalate from Environmental Waters. Biosensors. 2022, 12, 125;
(19) Siteng Zhao, Jiaxuan Xiao, Huilei Wang, Lixia Li, Kun Wang, Jungang Lv, Zhen Zhang* Rapid heavy metal sensing platform: A case of triple signal amplification strategy for the sensitive detection of serum copper. Anal. Chim. Acta 2021, 1181, 338908;
(20) Yue Wang, Dinghui Xiong, Jin Wang, Jie Cheng, Jiaxuan Xiao, Salome Yakubu Kun Wang, Jungang Lv, Zhen Zhang* Triblock polyadenine probe-based electrochemical DNA sensor by integrating 3D DNAzyme walker and strand displacement for ultrasensitive and rapid detection of Pb2+. Sens. Actuators B Chem. 2021, 347, 130636;
(21) Kun Zeng, Zhen Zhang*, Liyuan Liu, Jie Shao, Lantian Gu, Huizi Liu, Guangbo Qu, Jianbo Shi, Gui-bin Jiang. A typical derivative and byproduct of tetrabromobisphenol A: Development of novel high-throughput immunoassays and systematic investigation of their distributions in Taizhou, an e-waste recycling area in eastern China. Environ. Pollut. 2020, 263,114382;
(22) Xuesong Li, Shuaibing Dong, P. Arul, Huizi Liu, Liyuan Liu, Honglei Wamh, Qi Zhang, Eric Gyima, Salome Yakubu, Zhen Zhang* A novel and facile immunosensor based on a barometer: Application for rapid analysis of Escherichia coil in waters. Talanta 2020, 214, 120859;
(23) Jiaxuan Xiao, Xialin Hu, Kun Wang, Yanmin Zou, Eric Gyimah, Salome Yakubu, Zhen Zhang* A novel signal amplification strategy based on the competitive reaction between 2D Cu-TCPP(Fe) and polyethyleneimine (PEI) in the application of an enzyme-free and ultrasensitive electrochemical immunosensor for sulfonamide detection. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2020, 150, 111883;
(24) Lantian Gu, Yanmin Zou, Yanshen Li, Kun Zeng, Nuanfei Zhu, Fang Zhu, Eric Gyima, Salome Yakubu, Hui Meng, Zhen Zhang*. High-throughput chemiluminescence immunoassay based on Co2+/hemin synergistic catalysis for sensitive detection tetrabromobisphenol A bis(2-hydroxyethyl) ether in the environments. Sci. Total Environ. 2020, 714, 136880;
(25) Salome Yakubu, Jiaxuan Xiao, Juanping Gu, Jie Cheng*, Jin Wang, Xuesong Li, Zhen Zhang*A competitive electrochemical immunosensor based on bimetallic nanoparticle decorated nanoflower-like MnO2 for enhanced peroxidase-like activity and sensitive detection of Tetrabromobisphenol A. Sensor Actuat B-Chem. 2020, 128909;
(26) Mingyue Yang, Xiangyang Wu, Xialin Hu*, Kun Wang, Can Zhang, Eric Gyimah, Salome Yakubu, Zhen Zhang* Electrochemical immunosensor based on Ag+-dependent CTAB-AuNPs for ultrasensitive detection of sulfamethazine. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2019, 144, 111643;
(27) Jin Wang, Jian Lu, Shuaibing Dong, Nuanfei Zhu, Eric Gyimah, Kun Wang, Yong Li, Zhen Zhang*. An ultrasensitive electrochemical biosensor for detection of microRNA-21 based on redox reaction of ascorbic acid/iodine and duplex-specific nuclease assisted target recycling. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2019, 130, 81-87;
(28) Zhen Zhang*, Mingyue Yang, Xiangyang Wu, Shuaibing Dong, Nuanfei Zhu, Eric Gyimah, Kun Wang, Yong Li. A competitive immunosensor for ultrasensitive detection of sulphonamides from environmental waters using silver nanoparticles decorated single-walled carbon nanohorns as labels. Chemosphere 2019, 225, 282-287;
(29) Nuanfei Zhu, Yuqi Zhu, Jin Wang, Eric Gyimah, Xialin Hu, Zhen Zhang*. A novel fluorescence immunoassay based on AgNCs and ALP for ultrasensitive detection of sulfamethazine (SMZ) in environmental and biological samples. Talanta 2019, 199, 72-79;
(30) Shuaibing Dong, Shaochen Wang, Eric Gyimah, Nuanfei Zhu, Kun Wang, Xiangyang Wu, Zhen Zhang*. A novel electrochemical immunosensor based on catalase functionalized AuNPs-loaded self-assembled polymer nanospheres for ultrasensitive detection of tetrabromobisphenol A bis(2-hydroxyethyl) ether. Anal. Chim. Acta. 2019, 1048, 50-57;
(31) Zhen Zhang, Shuaibing Dong, Daohan Ge, Nuanfei Zhu, Kun Wang, Gangbing Zhu, Wanzhen Xu, Hai Xu*. An ultrasensitive competitive immunosensor using silica nanoparticles as an enzyme carrier for simultaneous impedimetric detection of tetrabromobisphenol A bis(2-hydroxyethyl) ether and tetrabromobisphenol A mono(hydroxyethyl) ether. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2018, 105, 77-80;
(32) Zhen Zhang, Nuanfei Zhu, Yanmin Zou, Zongshan Zhao, Xiangyang Wu, Guoxi Liang, Zhixiang Han, Hui Meng. A novel and sensitive chemiluminescence immunoassay based on AuNCs@pepsin@luminol for simultaneous detection of tetrabromobisphenol A bis(2-hydroxyethyl) ether and tetrabromobisphenol A mono(hydroxyethyl) ether. Anal. Chim. Acta. 2018, 1035, 168-174;
(33) Zhen Zhang, Nuanfei Zhu, Yanmin Zou, Xiangyang Wu, Guangbo Qu, Jianbo Shi, A novel, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on the catalysis of AuNCs@BSA-induced signal amplification for the detection of dibutyl phthalate. Talanta 2018, 179C, 64-69;
(34) Nuanfei Zhu, Yanmin Zou, Menglu Huang, Shuaibing Dong, Xiangyang Wu, Guoxi Liang, Zhixiang Han, Zhen Zhang*, A sensitive, colorimetric immunosensor based on Cu-MOFs and HRP for detection of dibutyl phthalate in environmental and food samples. Talanta 2018, 186, 104-109;
(35) Xing Dong, Zhen Zhang, Shunlong Meng, Chenyuan Pan, Ming Yang, Xiangyang Wu, Liuqing Yang, Hai Xu. Parental exposure to bisphenol A and its analogs influences zebrafish offspring immunity. Sci. Total. Environ. 2018, 610–611, 291–297;
(36) Zhen Zhang, Kun Zeng, Jing-fu Liu, Immunochemical detection of emerging organic contaminants in environmental waters. Trend. Anal. Chem. 2017, 87, 49-57;
(37) Ya-ru Liang, Zong-mian Zhang, Zhen-jiang Liu, Kun Wang, Xiang-yang Wu, Kun Zeng, Hui Meng, Zhen Zhang*. A highly sensitive signal-amplified gold nanoparticle-based electrochemical immunosensor for dibutyl phthalate detection, Biosens. Bioelectron. 2017, 91, 199–202;
(38) Zhen Zhang, Nuanfei Zhu, Shuaibing Dong, Menglu Huang, Liuqing Yang, Xiangyang Wu*, Zhenjiang Liu, Jiahao Jiang, and Yanmin Zou. Plasmonic ELISA based on nanospherical brush-Induced signal amplification for the ultrasensitive naked-eye simultaneous detection of the typical tetrabromobisphenol A derivative and byproduct. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 2018, 66 (11), 2996–3002;
(39) Zhen Zhang, Nuanfei Zhu, Meng-lu Huang, Ya-ru Liang, Kun Zeng, Xiang-yang Wu, Zhen-jiang Liu, Qian-chi Ma, Guang-bo Qu, Jian-bo Shi. Sensitive immunoassay for simultaneous determination of tetrabromobisphenol A bis(2-hydroxyethyl) ether and tetrabromobisphenol A mono(hydroxyethyl) ether: An effective and reliable strategy to estimate the typical tetrabromobisphenol A derivative and byproduct in aquatic environments, Environ. Pollut. 2017, 229, 431-438.