1) 重金属和持久性有机污染土壤的生态毒理机制以及生物修复技术;
2) 环境微生物对能源植物逆境耐性和品质的作用机制;
3) 对植物秸秆的分子遗传改造,实现其生物质资源的高效多样化利用。
1. Okoye Charles Obinwanne, Wang Yongli, Gao Lu, Wu Yanfang, Li Xia, Sun Jiangzhong, Jiang Jianxiong. The performance of lactic acid bacteria in silage production: A review of modern biotechnology for silage improvement. Microbiological Research, 2023,266:127212
2. Okoye Charles Obinwanne, Dong Ke, Wang Yongli, Gao Lu, Li Xia, Wu Yanfang, Jiang Jianxiong. Comparative genomics reveals the organic acid biosynthesis metabolic pathways among five lactic acid bacterial species isolated from fermented vegetables, New Biotechnology, 2022,70: 73-83
3. Wang Yongli; Li Xia; Wang Congsheng; Gao Lu; Wu Yanfang; Ni Xingnan; Sun Jianzhong; JiangJianxiong. Unveiling the transcriptomic complexity of Miscanthus sinensis using a combination of PacBio long read- and Illumina short read sequencing platforms, BMC Genomics, 2021, 22(1): 0-690
4. Wu Yanfang, Zhou Na, Ni Xingnan, Okoye Charles Obinwanne, Wang Yongli, Li Xia, Gao Lu, Zhou Gongke, Jiang Jianxiong. Developing a long-term and powerful in vitro culture and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system for Miscanthus sinensis (Poaceae), Industrial Crops and Products, 2021, 161: 113190
5. Li Xia, Geng Xiaoyan, Gao Lu, Wu Yanfang, Wang Yongli, Geng Alei, Sun Jianzhong, Jiang Jianxiong. Optimized expression of a hyperthermostable endoglucanase from Pyrococcus horikoshii in Arabidopsis thaliana. BioResources, 2019, 14(2): 2812-2826
6. Yu Yangyang, Fang Zhen, Gao Lu, Song Hao, Yang Liang, Mao Baodong, Shi Weidong, Yong Yangchun*. Engineering of bacterial electrochemical activity with global regulator manipulation. Electrochemistry Communications, 2018.86: 117-120.
7. Wang Yan-Zhai, Shen Yu, Gao Lu, Liao Zhi-Hong, Sun Jian-Zhong, & Yong Yang-Chun* (2017). Improving the extracellular electron transfer of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 for enhanced bioelectricity production from biomass hydrolysate. Rsc Advances, 2017.7:30488-30494
8. Li Xia, Geng Xiaoyan, Xie Rongrong, Fu Lei, Jiang Jianxiong, Gao Lu, Sun Jianzhong *. The endophytic bacteria isolated from elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) promote plant growth and enhance salt tolerance of Hybrid Pennisetum. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2016.9:190-201
9. Si RW, Zhai DD, Liao ZH, Gao L, Yong YC. A whole-cell electrochemical biosensing system based on bacterial inward electron flow for fumarate quantification. Biosens Bioelectron, 68C: 34-40. 2014.
10. Sun J-Z, Liao Z-H, Si R-W, Kingori G P, Chang F-X, Gao L, Shen Y, Xiao X, Wu X-Y, Yong Y-C. Adsorption and removal of triphenylmethane dyes from water by magnetic reduced graphene oxide . Water Science & Technology, 70(10): 1663-9. 2014.
11. Gao L, Peng K, Xia Y, Wang G, Niu L, Lian C, Shen Z. Cadmium and manganese accumulation in Phytolacca americana L. and the roles of non-protein thiols and organic acids in the metal tolerance. Int J Phytoremediat, Vol. 15, No 4, pp. 307-319, 2013
12. Gao L, Peng K, Chen Y, Wang G, Shen Z. Roles of apoplastic peroxidases, laccases, and lignification in the manganese tolerance of hyperaccumulator Phytolacca americana. ActaPhysiol Plant, Vol. 34, No 1, pp. 151-159, 2012
13. Ma B, Gao L, Zhang H, Cui J, Shen Z. Aluminum-induced oxidative stress and changes in antioxidant defenses in the roots of rice varieties differing in Al tolerance. Plant Cell Rep, Vol. 31, No 4, pp. 687-696, 2012
14. Sun J, Cui J, Gao L, Chen Y, Shen Z. Contribution of cell walls, non-protein thiols, and organic acids to cadmium resistance in two cabbage cultivars. Arch Environ ContamToxicol, Vol. 63, No 2, pp. 243-252,2013
15. 蒋建雄,孙建中*,李霞,高璐,耿小燕,我国草本纤维素类能源作物产业化发展面临的主要挑战与策略,生物产业技术,2015,02:22~31
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